Variant of CIP 2011 - Primary groupings

11.0501 - Computer systems analysis/analyst

This instructional program class comprises any program that prepares individuals to apply programming and systems analysis principles to the selection, implementation, and troubleshooting of customized computer and software installations across the life cycle. These programs include courses in computer hardware and software; compilation, composition, execution, and operating systems; low- and high-level languages and language programming; programming and debugging techniques; installation and maintenance testing and documentation; process and data flow analysis; user needs analysis and documentation; cost-benefit analysis; and specification design.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • computer analyst
    • computer programmer-analyst
    • computer systems analyst
    • programmer-analyst
  • Exclusion(s)

    • computer science(11.0701)
    • computer software technology(15.1204)
    • computer systems technology(15.1202)
    • information system management(52.1201)
    • software design(11.0201)
    • software systems development(14.0903)
    • systems science(30.0601)
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