Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) 1991

I - Occupations Unique to Primary Industry

Occupations in this broad occupational category are primarily concerned with operating farms and supervising or doing farm work; operating fishing vessels and doing specialized fishing work; and in doing supervision and production work in oil and gas production and forestry and logging.

I1 - Occupations Unique to Forestry Operations, Mining, Oil and Gas Extraction, and Fishing, Excluding Labourers

Occupations in this major group are primarily concerned with operating forestry machinery, chainsaws and skidders; reforestation; extracting mineral ores from underground mines, and drilling for crude oil and natural gas; being in charge of or operating fishing vessels; and trapping and hunting.

I12 - Supervisors, Mining, Oil and Gas

Occupations in this minor group are primarily concerned with supervising workers in mining, quarrying, and producing crude oil and natural gas.

I121 - Supervisors, Mining and Quarrying

Occupations in this unit group are primarily concerned with supervising the activities of underground miners, mine service and supply workers, mine labourers and heavy equipment operators, and workers in surface mining and quarrying.

  • Example Titles

    • Blasting foreman / woman, mining and quarrying
    • Crew co-ordinator, mining
    • Drilling foreman / woman, mining
    • Face boss, mining
    • Fill foreman / woman, mining
    • Heavy equipment operators foreman / woman, surface mining
    • Level boss, mining
    • Mine captain
    • Mine foreman / woman
    • Mine supervisor
    • Open-pit mine supervisor
    • Pit boss, coal mine
    • Pit foreman / woman, mining
    • Quarry boss
    • Quarry supervisor
    • Section foreman / woman, mining
    • Shift boss, mining
    • Shift foreman / woman, mining
    • Shot foreman / woman, mining
    • Shovel foreman / woman, mining
    • Stope boss
    • Stope foreman / woman
    • Surface boss, mining
    • Surface foreman / woman, mining
    • Tipple foreman / woman, mining
    • Track boss, mining
    • Underground foreman / woman, mining
    • Underground supervisor, mining
    • Yard boss, mining
  • Exclusion

    • Mine managers (See A381 Primary Production Managers (except Agriculture))
    • Mining technologists (See C112 Geological and Mineral Technologists and Technicians)
I122 - Supervisors, Oil and Gas Drilling and Service

Occupations in this unit group are primarily concerned with supervising the activities of oil and gas drillers, servicers, testers and related workers, and drilling and service rig crews.

  • Example Titles

    • Fracturing supervisor, oil and gas wells
    • Gas well drilling crew supervisor
    • Multi-service operator, oil and gas wells
    • Oil well drilling crew supervisor
    • Rig managing supervisor, oil and gas wells
    • Tool pusher, oil and gas wells
    • Well services crew supervisor, oil and gas wells
  • Exclusion

    • Oil well and gas field managers (See A381 Primary Production Managers (except Agriculture))
    • Petroleum technicians (See C112 Geological and Mineral Technologists and Technicians)
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