Archived - Standard Industrial Classification - Establishments (SIC-E) 1980

R - Other Service Industries

99 - Other Service Industries

994 - Other Repair Services

Establishments primarily engaged in electric motor repair, welding and other repair services not elsewhere classified.

9941 - Electric Motor Repair

Establishments primarily engaged in the repair of small electric motors including those specializing in the rewinding of armatures. Establishments primarily engaged in rebuilding industrial electric motors are classified in 3379 - Other Electrical Industrial Equipment Industry.

9942 - Welding

Establishments primarily engaged in repair work by welding. Many of these establishments at one time or another were blacksmiths and may still carry this appellation in their names. Establishments primarily engaged in welding on a construction site are classified in 4299 - Other Trade Work n.e.c., Construction.

9949 - Other Repair Services n.e.c.

Establishments primarily engaged in repair services not elsewhere classified.

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