North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada 2017 Version 1.0


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851 - Personal and personal care services

This group comprises hair care and aesthetic services; funeral services; laundry, dry-cleaning and related services; parking services; and other personal and personal care services.

85151 - Other personal and personal care services

This class comprises pet care services; photo finishing services; hair removal services; tattoo, tanning and other body modification services; weight loss services; non-therapeutic massage services; and other personal services.

851512 - Photo finishing services

This subclass comprises providing photo finishing services. These cover developing negatives, printing, re-sizing, and other effects, applied to film or digital photos.

8515121 - Photo finishing services

Providing photo finishing services. These cover developing negatives, printing, re-sizing, and other effects, applied to film or digital photos.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • digital photo kiosk printing services
    • digital photo printing services
    • old photograph restoration services
    • one-hour photo processing and finishing services
    • photo book printing services
    • photograph retouching services
    • photographic negative developing services
    • photographic negative enlargement services
    • photographic negative reprinting services
    • photography processing services
    • printing consumer photos on coffee mugs, t-shirts, etc.

    All examples

  • Inclusion(s)

    • services of agents who send films to photo finishing laboratories
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