Archived - Standard Industrial Classification - Establishments (SIC-E) 1980

N - Government Service Industries

Many government establishments engage in activities which are also carried out by non-government establishments and as a consequence such government establishments are classified to the same industrial category as their non-government counterparts. There remain however, three types of government establishments engaged in activities which are not found in the non-government universe and which are therefore, identified as providing Government Services. These are:
a) establishments engaged in activities of a purely governmental nature - national defence, public order and safety, immigration services, foreign affairs and international assistance, and general services which cover government activities (e.g. legislatures, taxation, etc.);
b) establishments which direct, support, control and otherwise administer activities carried on largely, but by no means exclusively, by non-government establishments. These activities can be grouped into those which relate to the maintenance and development of human resources and those whose primary concern is with economic development;
c) establishments such as small municipalities which may engage in a wide range of government and non-government activities but whose size precludes the possibility of producing principal statistics for each of these activities.

81 - Federal Government Service Industries

812 - Protective Services

Establishments of federal government primarily engaged in providing services to ensure the security of persons and property. Protection includes measures to protect against negligence, exploitation and abuse.

8121 - Courts of Law

Establishments of federal government primarily engaged in rendering judgements in, and interpretations of the law including the arbitration of civil actions. Appeal boards of federal jurisdiction are included here.

8122 - Correctional Services

Establishments of federal government primarily engaged in providing incarceration and rehabilitation services as found in jails and other detention establishments.

8123 - Police Services

Establishments of federal government primarily engaged in the maintenance of law and order by means of operating police forces and services. Establishments primarily engaged in providing private police services are classified in 7791 - Security and Investigation Services.

8125 - Regulatory Services

Establishments of federal government primarily engaged in the general protection of individuals, singly or in groups, against negligence, exploitation or abuse. Establishments primarily engaged in regulating a specific activity or acting for a particular group of people engaged in a single activity are classified in the appropriate industry, e.g. the National Energy Board is classified in 8172 - Resource Conservation and Industrial Development Administration.

8129 - Other Protective Services

Establishments of federal government primarily engaged in dealing with major emergencies and catastrophes. Included are establishments primarily engaged in animal or pest control activities or in protection services of federal jurisdiction not elsewhere classified.

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