Archived - Standard Industrial Classification - Establishments (SIC-E) 1980

K - Finance and Insurance Industries

72 - Investment Intermediary Industries

Establishments primarily engaged in investing in a portfolio of securities and other investments on behalf of their shareholders/unitholders. Included in this Major Group are establishments pri-marily engaged in financing mortgages, real estate and purchase leasebacks and holding of common and preferred stock for the purpose of exercising control.

721 - Portfolio Investment Intermediaries

Establishments primarily engaged in investing in a portfolio of securities and other investments on behalf of their shareholders/unitholders. Included are establishments known as segregated funds of life insurance carriers.

7211 - Investment (Mutual) Funds

Establishments primarily engaged in investing in a specialized or diversified portfolio of securities and other investments on behalf of their shareholders/unitholders. Shares or units in the fund are issued to the public at a price based upon the net per share (unit) of that fund asset value at the time of purchase and redeemed virtually on demand at the net asset value at the time of redemption. This industry includes establishments of investment funds sponsored by banks, trust companies, insurance companies, mutual fund management companies, etc. Establishments known as retirement savings funds are classified in 7212 - Retirement Savings Funds.

7212 - Retirement Savings Funds

Establishments primarily engaged in investing in a portfolio of securities and other investments for the retirement savings plan trusts that invest in them. Such establishments accept monies for registered retirement savings plans and issue units or shares in return. Such units are issued at the per unit net asset value of the fund at the time of purchase and the fund will redeem them virtually on demand at the net asset value at the time of redemption.

7213 - Segregated Funds

Establishments known as segregated funds which are separate investment accounts established by life insurers under provisions of the Canadian and British Insurance Companies Act, or the corresponding sections of the Foreign Insurance Companies Act or a provincial act. Setting up of these establishments allows the life insurers' policyholders to invest monies in funds which are not subject to the investment restrictions in effect on the insurers' portfolio as contained in the insurance act.

7214 - Investment Companies

Establishments primarily engaged in investing in a diversified portfolio of securities and other investments for the production of income, generally without seeking to control or to manage the affairs of the corporations underlying the shares held in the portfolio. Included are establishments of the so-called "closed-end" funds.

7215 - Holding Companies

Establishments primarily engaged in investing in common and preferred shares of other corporations for the purpose of exercising control, either directly or through subsidiaries. As a secondary activity, they may also raise funds for the financing of activities of the parent, subsidiary and affiliated corporations. They may provide management and administrative services to affiliates and subsidiaries on a fee basis. Included are establishments of government enterprises which invest in, and exercise control of, other corporations.

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