North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada 2017 Version 2.0


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62 - Health care and social assistance

This sector comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing health care by diagnosis and treatment, providing residential care for medical and social reasons, and providing social assistance, such as counselling, welfare, child protection, community housing and food services, vocational rehabilitation and child care, to those requiring such assistance.

621 - Ambulatory health care services

This subsector comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing health care services, directly or indirectly, to ambulatory patients. Health practitioners in this subsector provide out-patient services, in which the facilities and equipment are not usually the most significant part of the production process.

6216 - Home health care services

This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing skilled nursing services in the home, combined with a range of other home services, such as personal care services, homemaker and companion services, physical therapy, medical social services, counselling, occupational and vocational therapy, dietary and nutritional services, speech therapy, audiology, medical equipment and supplies, medications and intravenous therapy. Only establishments that provide nursing services in combination with the other services listed are included.

62161 - Home health care services

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing skilled nursing services in the home, combined with a range of other home services, such as personal care services, homemaker and companion services, physical therapy, medical social services, counselling, occupational and vocational therapy, dietary and nutritional services, speech therapy, audiology, medical equipment and supplies, medications and intravenous therapy. Only establishments that provide nursing services in combination with the other services listed are included.

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