North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2007 - Service Industries

5617 - Services to Buildings and Dwellings

This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in exterminating and controlling insects, rodents and other pests, in and around buildings and other structures; cleaning building interiors and windows; landscaping installation, care and maintenance; cleaning and dyeing rugs, carpets and upholstery; and providing other services to buildings and dwellings.

North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2007 - Service Industries - Classification structure
Code Title
56171Exterminating and Pest Control Services Exterminating and Pest Control Services
56172Janitorial Services Janitorial Services
56173Landscaping Services Landscaping Services
56174Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Services Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Services
56179Other Services to Buildings and Dwellings Other Services to Buildings and Dwellings
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