North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada 2017 Version 1.0


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551 - Wholesale services (except commissions)

This group comprises the services of buying and selling merchandise on own account at an intermediate step in the distribution chain. Wholesale services bundled with services incidental to the own account sale of merchandise such as logistics, inventory management, marketing services, packaging and labeling, handling of warranty claims, in-store or co-op promotions, and product training are also included.

  • Exclusion(s)

    • the service of arranging the buying or selling of merchandise for others at an intermediate step in the distribution chain (See 5521111 Wholesale trade commissions)
    • the service of buying and selling merchandise on own account at the final step in the distribution chain (See 561 Retail services (except commissions))

55111 - Farm products at wholesale

This class comprises wholesaling services for live animals; oilseeds and grains; nursery stock and live plants; and other farm products.

551114 - Other farm products at wholesale

This subclass comprises wholesaling services for leaf tobacco, including stemmed and dried; raw wool, animal hair and silk; animal hides, skins and pelts; and raw farm products n.e.c., except oilseeds and grains.

5511141 - Leaf tobacco (including stemmed and dried) at wholesale

Wholesaling services for leaf tobacco, including stemmed and dried.

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  • Exclusion(s)

    • chewing and smoking tobacco, and other tobacco products, at wholesale (See 5511391 Tobacco products and accessories (except raw tobacco and e-cigarettes), at wholesale)
5511142 - Raw wool, animal hair and silk, at wholesale

Wholesaling services for raw wool, animal hair and silk.

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  • Inclusion(s)

    • unprocessed feathers at wholesale
5511143 - Animal hides, skins and pelts, at wholesale

Wholesaling services for animal hides, skins and pelts.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • dressed furs at wholesale
    • raw furs at wholesale
    • raw furskins at wholesale
    • raw hides at wholesale
    • raw skins at wholesale

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5511144 - Raw farm products n.e.c. (except oilseeds and grains) at wholesale

Wholesaling services for raw farm products n.e.c., except oilseeds and grains.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • bovine semen at wholesale
    • raw milk at wholesale
    • unroasted coffee at wholesale
    • vegetable fibers at wholesale

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