North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada [Provisional Version 0.1]

52 - Financial and insurance services

523002 - Personal financial planning services and trust products

523002.2 - Personal financial planning and investment management services

Financial planning, advisory, and investment management services for private individuals.

523002.2.1 - Personal financial planning and advice products

Providing planning and advisory services to private clients that enable them to meet their financial objectives. The service may include an assessment of the client's financial situation, and advice on investments, use of financial services, financially-related legal and accounting issues, and tax reduction strategies. Includes credit counselling services.

523002.2.2 - Personal investment management products

Designing and managing a portfolio of investments for a private client. The manager has a fiduciary responsibility to manage the assets prudently and choose whether stocks, bonds, real estate, or some other assets present the best opportunities for profit at a particular time. These services are also called portfolio management services.

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