Variant of NAICS 2002 - Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Sector

6.2 - Industries not included in the Information and Communication Technology Sector

This special aggregation comprises all NAICS that do not relate to information and communication technology products.

51E - Information and Cultural Industries, except ICT

This special aggregation 'Information and Cultural Industries, except ICT' comprises the portion of NAICS sector 51 'Information and Cultural Industries' that does not relate to information and communication technology products

511E - Publishing Industries (except Internet), except ICT

This special aggregation 'Publishing Industries (except Internet), except ICT' comprises the portion of NAICS subsector 511 'Publishing Industries (except Internet)' that does not relate to information and communication technology products

The NAICS subsector 511 'Publishing Industries (except Internet)' comprises establishments primarily engaged in publishing newspapers, periodicals, books, databases, software and other works. These works are characterized by the intellectual creativity required in their development and are usually protected by copyright. Publishers distribute, or arrange for the distribution of copies of these works.

Publishing establishments may create the works in-house, or contract for, purchase, or compile works that were originally created by others. These works may be published in one or more formats including traditional print form, electronic and on-line. Publishers of "multimedia" products, such as interactive children's books, multimedia CD-ROM and digital video disk (DVD) reference books, and musical greeting cards are also included. Establishments in this subsector may print, reproduce or offer direct on-line access to the works themselves or they may arrange with others to carry out such functions.

Exclusion(s): Establishments primarily engaged in:

- publishing exclusively on the Internet (516, Internet Publishing and Broadcasting)

5111 - Newspaper, Periodical, Book and Directory Publishers

This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in publishing (or publishing and printing) newspapers, periodicals, books, maps, directories, databases and other works, such as calendars, catalogues and greeting cards.

  • Exclusion(s):

    Establishments primarily engaged in:

    • publishing software (See 51121 Software Publishers)
    • publishing music (See 51223 Music Publishers)
51112 - Periodical Publishers

This industry comprises establishments, known as magazine or periodical publishers, primarily engaged in carrying out operations necessary for producing and distributing magazines and other periodicals, including gathering, writing, soliciting and editing articles, and preparing and selling advertisements. Periodicals are published at regular intervals, typically on a weekly, monthly or quarterly basis. These periodicals may be published in printed or electronic form.

  • Exclusion(s):

    Establishments primarily engaged in:

    • printing, but not publishing, periodicals (See 32311 Printing)
    • publishing newspapers (See 51111 Newspaper Publishers)
    • publishing directories and databases (i.e., establishments known as publishers) (See 51114 Directory and Mailing List Publishers)
    • publishing sheet music (See 51223 Music Publishers)
    • publishing periodicals exclusively on the Internet (See 51611 Internet Publishing and Broadcasting)
    • selling media time or space for media owners (See 54184 Media Representatives)
511120 - Periodical PublishersUS

This canadian industry comprises establishments, known as magazine or periodical publishers, primarily engaged in carrying out operations necessary for producing and distributing magazines and other periodicals, including gathering, writing, soliciting and editing articles, and preparing and selling advertisements. Periodicals are published at regular intervals, typically on a weekly, monthly or quarterly basis. These periodicals may be published in printed or electronic form.

  • Example Activities:

    • Advertising periodicals, publishing (except exclusively on Internet)
    • Agricultural magazines and periodicals, publishing (except exclusively on Internet)
    • Comic books, publishing (except exclusively on Internet)
    • Comic books, publishing and printing combined
    • Financial magazines and periodicals, publishing (except exclusively on Internet)
    • Financial magazines and periodicals, publishing and printing combined
    • Juvenile magazines and periodicals, publishing (except exclusively on Internet)
    • Magazine publishers, all formats, publishing (except exclusively on Internet)
    • Magazines, publishing (except exclusively on Internet)
    • Magazines, publishing and printing combined
    • Newsletters, all formats, publishing (except exclusively on Internet)
    • Periodicals, all formats, publishing and printing combined
    • Periodicals, publishing (except exclusively on Internet)
    • Professional magazines and periodicals, publishing and printing combined
    • Publishers, periodicals, all formats (except exclusively on Internet)
    • Religious magazines and periodicals, publisher (except exclusively on Internet)
    • Scholarly journals, publishing (except exclusively on Internet)
    • Scholastic magazines and periodicals, publishing and printing combined
    • Technical magazines and periodicals, publishing (except exclusively on Internet)
    • Television guides, publishing (except exclusively on Internet)
    • Trade magazines and periodicals, publishing (except exclusively on Internet)
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