Variant of CIP 2016 - Alternative primary groupings

06 - Physical and life sciences and technologies

41. - Science technologies/technicians

This series comprises instructional programs that prepare individuals to apply scientific principles and technical skills in support of scientific research and development.

41.02 - Nuclear and industrial radiologic technologies/technicians

This subseries comprises instructional program classes 41.0204 to 41.0299.

41.0204 - Industrial radiologic technology/technician

This instructional program class comprises any program that prepares individuals to apply scientific principles and technical skills to the operation of industrial and research testing equipment using radioisotopes. These programs include courses in X-ray analysis of materials, non-destructive testing and inspection of materials, and continuous measurement of paper or metal thickness.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • industrial radiographer
    • industrial radiography
    • industrial radiologic technician
    • industrial radiologic technology
    • industrial radiological technician
    • industrial radiological technologist
    • industrial radiological technology

    All examples

  • Exclusion(s)

    • radiation technology(51.0907)
    • radiobiology(26.0209)
    • X-ray technician(51.0911)
41.0205 - Nuclear/nuclear power technology/technician

This instructional program class comprises any program that prepares individuals to apply scientific principles and technical skills in support of research scientists and operating engineers engaged in the running of nuclear reactors, and in nuclear materials processing and disposal. These programs include courses in basic nuclear physics and nuclear engineering, monitoring and safety procedures, radioactive materials handling and disposal, equipment maintenance and operation, and record keeping.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • nuclear energy technician
    • nuclear power technician
    • nuclear power technologist
    • nuclear power technology
    • nuclear technician
    • nuclear technologist
    • nuclear technology

    All examples

  • Exclusion(s)

    • nuclear engineering(14.2301)
    • nuclear engineering technology(15.1401)
    • nuclear medicine technology(51.0905)
    • nuclear physics(40.0806)
    • power engineering technology(47.0501)
41.0299 - Nuclear and industrial radiologic technologies/technicians, other

This instructional program class comprises any program not listed above that relates to Nuclear and industrial radiologic technologies/technicians.

  • Exclusion(s)

    • industrial radiological technology(41.0204)
    • nuclear engineering(14.2301)
    • nuclear engineering technology(15.1401)
    • nuclear technician(41.0205)
    • radiotherapy(51.0907)
    • X-ray technician(51.0911)
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