Archived - Standard Industrial Classification - Establishments (SIC-E) 1980

F - Construction Industries

40 - Building, Developing and General Contracting

Building, developing, general contracting and other establishments primarily engaged in the construction and development of residential, commercial and institutional (non-residential) buildings and real estate. Establishments classified here build for sale and bid on contracts for projects designed by architects and engineers. The project will cover several components, varying proportions of which can be sub-contracted out to trade contractors or can be done by the builder's own labour force. Included in this Major Group are establishments of integrated real estate companies engaged in land assembly, development, financing, building and sale of large projects or community facilities, as are establishments engaged in building under such arrangements as joint venture, design-build, turnkey, lease-back and engineer/procure/construct. Also included are establishments primarily engaged in erecting pre-fabricated buildings on site or in building alterations and repairs involving more than one trade. Establishments primarily engaged in specialized aspects of construction or repair, e.g. mechanical and electrical work, are classified in the appropriate class of trade contractor in Major Group 42 - Trade Contractor Industries. Establishments engaged in building but having another primary activity such as renting, leasing, managing-operating, land subDivision, manufacturing, mining or utility supply are not included here but are classified to the industry of principal activity.

402 - Non-Residential Building and Development

Establishments primarily engaged in the construction and development of buildings providing shelter to light industrial activities and commercial and institutional services other than housing.

4021 - Manufacturing and Light Industrial Building

Establishments primarily engaged in the construction of manufacturing and light industrial buildings including related warehouses. Establishments primarily engaged in constructing warehouses are included in 4022 - Commercial Building, construction and those primarily engaged in heavy industrial structures are classified in Industry Group 411 - Industrial Construction (Other Than Buildings).

4022 - Commercial Building

Establishments primarily engaged in the construction and development of commercial buildings.

4023 - Institutional Building

General contracting establishments primarily engaged in erecting institutional buildings.

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