Archived - Standard Industrial Classification - Companies and Enterprises (SIC-C) 1980

H - Electrical and Electronic Products

This industrial sector covers the manufacturing and marketing of electrical and electronic products or in providing computer services. Marketing here refers to wholesaling and related service functions.

35 - Household Appliances and Electrical Products

This subsector consists of groupings of companies primarily engaged in the manufacturing and marketing of household appliances and electrical industrial machinery and equipment. The manufacturing and marketing of electronic household appliances are covered here.

358 - Electrical Machinery, Equipment and Supplies Wholesaling

3581 - Electrical Machinery, Equipment and Supplies Wholesaling_1SIC-C1980

Companies primarily engaged in wholesaling electrical wiring supplies, electrical construction materials, new and used electrical generating and transmission equipment and supplies and electrical equipment and supplies not elsewhere classified. The wholesaling of motor vehicle generators and voltage regulators is covered in 3022 - Motor Vehicle Parts and Accessories Wholesaling; and of electronic alarm apparatus in 3619 - Electronic Equipment Wholesaling.

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