Archived - Standard Industrial Classification - Establishments (SIC-E) 1980

E - Manufacturing Industries

29 - Primary Metal Industries

291 - Primary Steel Industries

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing ferro-alloys steel castings other steel primary shapes and coke from ovens operated in connection with blast furnaces. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing coke when not connected with blast furnaces are classified in 3699 - Other Petroleum and Coal Products Industries.

2911 - Ferro-Alloys Industry

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing ferro-alloys.

2912 - Steel Foundries

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing steel castings.

2919 - Other Primary Steel Industries

Establishments classified to this industry comprise two main types - integrated and non-integrated. Integrated operations generally include establishments producing pig iron in blast furnaces for subsequent smelting into molten steel in steelmaking vessels. Subsequent processing steps include the casting and rolling of the steel into primary shapes. Non-integrated establishments may produce molten steel from scrap or pre-reduced pellets in a steelmaking vessel prior to casting and rolling the same products as an integrated producer or the establishments may perform only the final step of rolling the primary shapes. Establishments primarily engaged in extruding steel pipe are classified in 2921 - Steel Pipe and Tube Industry.

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