North and South - Variant of SGC 2011

S - South

This category comprises province codes that are in whole or in part in the South.

This includes portions of the following provinces: Newfoundland and Labrador (10), Quebec (24), Ontario (35), Manitoba (46), Saskatchewan (47), Alberta (48) and British Columbia (59).

24S - Southern Quebec

This category comprises the portion of Quebec that is in the South. Below is the list of census divisions within this provincial part.

2472 - Deux-Montagnes

Below is the list of census subdivisions within this census division.

2472005 - Saint-Eustache
  • Place name(s)

    • Chicot
    • Domaine-Rivière-Nord
    • Grande-Fresnière, La
    • Grenmont
    • Jean-Paul-Paquette, Parc industriel
    • La Fresnière
    • Saint-Eustache
2472010 - Deux-Montagnes
  • Place name(s)

    • Deux-Montagnes
2472015 - Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac
  • Place name(s)

    • Baie-du-Lac
    • Le Domaine
    • Pine Beach
    • Plage-Larocque
    • Plage-Roger
    • Plage-Youville
    • Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac
2472020 - Pointe-Calumet
  • Place name(s)

    • Domaine-Royal
    • Pointe-Calumet
2472025 - Saint-Joseph-du-Lac
  • Place name(s)

    • Saint-Joseph-du-Lac
2472032 - Oka
  • Place name(s)

    • Chez Geoffrion
    • Coq-Rond, Le
    • Deux-Montagnes
    • Domaine-Beaumont
    • La Trappe
    • Mont-Saint-Pierre
    • Oka
    • Oka-sur-la-Montagne
    • Plage-Richard
    • Pointe-aux-Anglais
    • Portage, Le
    • Trois-Pins, Les
2472043 - Saint-Placide
  • Place name(s)

    • Saint-Placide
2472802 - Kanesatake
  • Place name(s)

    • Kanesatake
    • Oka-Kanesatake
    • Terrasse-Bigras
    • Terrasse-Raymond
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