Variant of CIP 2016 - Cannabis STEM and BHASE groupings

a - STEM

a.1 - Science and science technology

a.13 - General and integrated sciences

03.0509 - Wood science and wood products/pulp and paper technology

This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the application of chemical, physical, and engineering principles to the analysis of the properties and behaviour of wood and wood products and the development of processes for converting wood into paper and other products. These programs include courses in wood classification and testing, product development, manufacturing and processing technologies, and the design and development of related equipment and systems.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • forest products processing technology
    • log scaling
    • lumber grading
    • milling lumber
    • paper making technology
    • pulp and paper production
    • pulp and paper technology
    • wood products processing
    • wood science
    • wood science and technology

    All examples

  • Exclusion(s)

    • forest engineering(14.3401)
    • forest products technology(03.0511)
    • pulp and paper engineering(14.4001)
    • woodworking(48.0701)
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