Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) 1991

I1 - Occupations Unique to Forestry Operations, Mining, Oil and Gas Extraction, and Fishing, Excluding Labourers

Occupations in this major group are primarily concerned with operating forestry machinery, chainsaws and skidders; reforestation; extracting mineral ores from underground mines, and drilling for crude oil and natural gas; being in charge of or operating fishing vessels; and trapping and hunting.

Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) 1991 - Classification structure
Code Minor group
I11Supervisors, Logging and Forestry Supervisors, Logging and Forestry
I12Supervisors, Mining, Oil and Gas Supervisors, Mining, Oil and Gas
I13Underground Miners, Oil and Gas Drillers and Related Workers Underground Miners, Oil and Gas Drillers and Related Workers
I14Mine Service Workers and Operators in Oil and Gas Drilling Mine Service Workers and Operators in Oil and Gas Drilling
I15Logging Machinery Operators Logging Machinery Operators
I16Logging and Forestry Workers Logging and Forestry Workers
I17Fishing Vessel Masters and Skippers and Fishermen/women Fishing Vessel Masters and Skippers and Fishermen/women
I18Other Fishing and Trapping Occupations Other Fishing and Trapping Occupations
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