North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada 2012 Version 1.2

871 - Public administration services

This group comprises services of a governmental nature, that is, services related to the enactment and judicial interpretation of laws and their pursuant regulations, and the administration of programs based on them. Services provided by government that are not governmental in nature are classified to the same service categories as equivalent services provided by the private sector.

87131 - Municipal and other local public administration services

This class comprises the services provided by municipal and other local governments, such as legislative activities, taxation, public order and safety, and the administration of programs.

871312 - Municipal and other local public administration services, n.e.c.

This subclass comprises services provided by municipal and other local governments with respect to executive and legislative activities; planning; fiscal and related policies and the administration of the public debt; assessing, levying and collecting taxes; conducting relations with other levels of government; and the administration of municipal and other local government programs.

8713121 - Municipal and other local public administration services, n.e.c.

Services provided by municipal and other local governments with respect to executive and legislative activities; planning; fiscal and related policies and the administration of the public debt; assessing, levying and collecting taxes; conducting relations with other levels of government; and the administration of municipal and other local government programs.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • municipal administration of housing programs
    • municipal recreation programs
    • services of city and town councils
    • services of mayor's office

    All examples

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