North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2007

81 - Other Services (except Public Administration)

This sector comprises establishments, not classified to any other sector, primarily engaged in repairing, or performing general or routine maintenance, on motor vehicles, machinery, equipment and other products to ensure that they work efficiently; providing personal care services, funeral services, laundry services and other services to individuals, such as pet care services and photo finishing services; organizing and promoting religious activities; supporting various causes through grant-making, advocating (promoting) various social and political causes, and promoting and defending the interests of their members. Private households are also included.

811 - Repair and Maintenance

This subsector comprises establishments primarily engaged in repairing and maintaining motor vehicles, machinery, equipment and other products. These establishments repair or perform general or routine maintenance on such products, to ensure that they work efficiently.

  • Exclusion(s):

    Establishments primarily engaged in:

    • the repair of construction works or components (See 23 Construction)
    • rebuilding machinery and equipment on a factory basis(31-33)
    • retailing and repair activities (e.g. automobile dealers)(44-45)
    • retailing gasoline and providing motor repair services (See 4471 Gasoline Stations)
    • repairing transportation equipment at airports, seaports and other transportation facilities (See 488 Support Activities for Transportation)

8111 - Automotive Repair and Maintenance

This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in repairing and maintaining motor vehicles, such as cars, trucks, vans and commercial trailers.

8112 - Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair and Maintenance

This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in repairing and maintaining electronic equipment and precision instruments.

8113 - Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment (except Automotive and Electronic) Repair and Maintenance

This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in repairing and maintaining commercial and industrial machinery and equipment, except automotive and electronic.

8114 - Personal and Household Goods Repair and Maintenance

This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in repairing and maintaining personal and household goods, such as home and garden equipment, appliances, furniture, footwear and leather goods, garments, watches, jewellery, musical instruments, bicycles and recreational boats.

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