North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada 2017 Version 1.0


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781 - Administrative and support services

This group comprises office administrative services; employment services; business support services; security and investigation services; services for buildings and dwellings; and facilities and other support services.

78112 - Employment services

This class comprises permanent placement; contract staffing; temporary staffing; temporary staffing to permanent placement; long-term staffing (payrolling) and co-employment services; onsite management of temporary help; online job listing services; executive/retained search; and other employment services.

781122 - Contract staffing

This subclass comprises finding people to fill positions as independent (self-employed) contractors.

7811221 - Contract staffing

Finding people to fill positions as independent (self-employed) contractors.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • staffing services for contract engineers
    • staffing services for contract information technology (IT) personnel

    All examples

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