North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada 2017 Version 1.0


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681412 - Textile and clothing manufacturing services (except fabric weaving and finishing services)

This subclass comprises manufacturing textile and clothing, except fabric weaving and finishing services, on a fee or commission basis, using raw materials owned by the client.

North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada 2017 Version 1.0 - Classification structure
Code Detail
6814121Yarn and filament manufacturing services Yarn and filament manufacturing services
6814122Fabric knitting services Fabric knitting services
6814123Embroidery services Embroidery services
6814124Textile manufacturing services n.e.c. Textile manufacturing services n.e.c.
6814125Men's clothing manufacturing services Men's clothing manufacturing services
6814126Women's clothing manufacturing services Women's clothing manufacturing services
6814127Children's clothing manufacturing services Children's clothing manufacturing services
6814128Tanning and leather finishing services Tanning and leather finishing services
6814129Other textile and clothing manufacturing services, n.e.c. Other textile and clothing manufacturing services, n.e.c.
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