North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada [Provisional Version 0.1]

562 - Waste management and remediation services

562001 - Waste management and remediation services

562001.1 - Non-hazardous waste management

This product group includes a wide range of services provided for the management of non-hazardous waste streams from residential and non-residential locations. Among the services included are the collection, transportation, sorting, consolidation, storage, other processing, and disposal of non-hazardous waste and recyclable materials.

562001.1.3 - Non-hazardous waste disposal services

Disposal of non-hazardous waste by placing it in a landfill or sanitary landfill, or by incineration, or by other methods.

562001.1.3.1 - Non-hazardous waste landfilling services

Disposal of non-hazardous waste in open air or controlled landfills and sanitary landfills.

562001.1.3.2 - Incineration disposal services, non-hazardous waste

Disposal of non-hazardous waste by incineration at a facility that meets legal standards.

562001.1.3.3 - Other disposal services, non-hazardous waste

Disposal of non-hazardous waste by methods other than landfill, sanitary landfill or incineration. Some examples of such methods are injection wells and the spreading of municipal sludge on land.

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