North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada 2017 Version 1.0


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551 - Wholesale services (except commissions)

This group comprises the services of buying and selling merchandise on own account at an intermediate step in the distribution chain. Wholesale services bundled with services incidental to the own account sale of merchandise such as logistics, inventory management, marketing services, packaging and labeling, handling of warranty claims, in-store or co-op promotions, and product training are also included.

  • Exclusion(s)

    • the service of arranging the buying or selling of merchandise for others at an intermediate step in the distribution chain (See 5521111 Wholesale trade commissions)
    • the service of buying and selling merchandise on own account at the final step in the distribution chain (See 561 Retail services (except commissions))

55117 - Machinery, equipment and supplies, at wholesale

This class comprises wholesaling services for farm and lawn and garden machinery and equipment, and farm supplies; construction and forestry machinery, equipment and supplies; mining and oil and gas well machinery, equipment and supplies; other industrial machinery, equipment and supplies; computer, computer peripherals and packaged software, except game software; electronic components, and navigational and communications equipment and supplies; office, commercial and service industry machinery, equipment and supplies; medical, professional, and industrial safety equipment and supplies; and industrial engines, boats, and other vehicles and transportation equipment, n.e.c.

551177 - Office, commercial and service industry machinery, equipment and supplies, at wholesale

This subclass comprises wholesaling services for office equipment, except computers, storage devices and peripheral equipment; office furniture; commercial and service industry machinery and equipment; parts and supplies for commercial and service industry machinery and equipment; and caskets and other funeral goods.

5511771 - Office equipment (except computers, storage devices and peripheral equipment) at wholesale

Wholesaling services for office equipment, except computers, storage devices and peripheral equipment.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • calculators at wholesale
    • mail handling machines at wholesale
    • microfilm equipment at wholesale
    • photocopying equipment at wholesale

    All examples

  • Inclusion(s)

    • fax machines at wholesale
5511772 - Office furniture at wholesale

Wholesaling services for office furniture.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • office chairs at wholesale
    • office desks at wholesale
    • office filing cabinets at wholesale
    • office fixtures at wholesale

    All examples

5511773 - Commercial and service industry machinery and equipment, at wholesale

Wholesaling services for commercial and service industry machinery and equipment.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • commercial cash registers at wholesale
    • commercial cooking machinery at wholesale
    • commercial cooling equipment at wholesale
    • commercial furniture (except office) at wholesale
    • commercial kitchen utensils at wholesale
    • scales at wholesale
    • stadium seating at wholesale
    • telescopic bleachers at wholesale
    • vending machines at wholesale

    All examples

5511774 - Parts and supplies for commercial and service industry machinery and equipment, at wholesale

Wholesaling services for parts and supplies for commercial and service industry machinery and equipment.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • commercial cooling supplies at wholesale
    • commercial refrigeration supplies at wholesale
    • parts of commercial cash registers at wholesale
    • parts of commercial cooking machinery at wholesale
    • parts of vending machines at wholesale
    • unrecorded audio tapes at wholesale
    • unrecorded video tapes at wholesale

    All examples

5511775 - Caskets and other funeral goods, at wholesale

Wholesaling services for caskets and other funeral goods.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • burial boxes at wholesale
    • casket shipping cases, at wholesale
    • cloth covered coffins of wood, at wholesale
    • hardwood coffins at wholesale
    • wood casket shells, at wholesale

    All examples

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