North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada [Provisional Version 0.1]

52 - Financial and insurance services

523001 - Investment products

523001.1 - Securities origination products

These products assist the issuers of securities (businesses and governments) in creating their securities, and having them distributed to the investing public. The service may involve advising the issuer; purchasing the securities and selling them (underwriting); or acting as an agent in marketing the securities.

523001.1.2 - Private placement of securities

Services to issuers of securities, to create the initial issue of the security and arrange for its sale directly to a private group of investors.

523001.1.2.2 - Private placement of debt securities

Services to issuers of debt securities, to create the initial issue of the security and arrange for its sale directly to a private group of investors.

523001. - Private placement of asset-backed securities

Services to issuers of asset-backed securities, to create the initial issue of the security and arrange for its sale directly to a private group of investors.

523001. - Private placement of debt securities (except asset-backed)

Services to issuers of debt securities other than asset-backed securities, to create the initial issue of the security and arrange for its sale directly to a private group of investors.

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