Variant of NAICS 2002 - Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Sector

6.2 - Industries not included in the Information and Communication Technology Sector

This special aggregation comprises all NAICS that do not relate to information and communication technology products.

51E - Information and Cultural Industries, except ICT

This special aggregation 'Information and Cultural Industries, except ICT' comprises the portion of NAICS sector 51 'Information and Cultural Industries' that does not relate to information and communication technology products

511E - Publishing Industries (except Internet), except ICT

This special aggregation 'Publishing Industries (except Internet), except ICT' comprises the portion of NAICS subsector 511 'Publishing Industries (except Internet)' that does not relate to information and communication technology products

The NAICS subsector 511 'Publishing Industries (except Internet)' comprises establishments primarily engaged in publishing newspapers, periodicals, books, databases, software and other works. These works are characterized by the intellectual creativity required in their development and are usually protected by copyright. Publishers distribute, or arrange for the distribution of copies of these works.

Publishing establishments may create the works in-house, or contract for, purchase, or compile works that were originally created by others. These works may be published in one or more formats including traditional print form, electronic and on-line. Publishers of "multimedia" products, such as interactive children's books, multimedia CD-ROM and digital video disk (DVD) reference books, and musical greeting cards are also included. Establishments in this subsector may print, reproduce or offer direct on-line access to the works themselves or they may arrange with others to carry out such functions.

Exclusion(s): Establishments primarily engaged in:

- publishing exclusively on the Internet (516, Internet Publishing and Broadcasting)

512 - Motion Picture and Sound Recording Industries

This subsector comprises establishments primarily engaged in producing and distributing video and audio recordings or providing related services, such as post-production services, exhibition services, and motion picture processing and developing services. Sound recording studios are also included.

  • Exclusion(s):

    Establishments primarily engaged in:

    • mass duplication of pre-recorded audio and video tapes, cassettes, diskettes, DVDs and CD-ROMs (See 33461 Manufacturing and Reproducing Magnetic and Optical Media)
    • wholesaling sound recordings (See 41444 Sound Recording Wholesalers)
    • wholesaling pre-recorded video cassettes and DVDs (See 41445 Video Cassette Wholesalers)

515 - Broadcasting (except Internet)

This subsector comprises establishments primarily engaged in operating radio and television broadcasting studios and facilities.

  • Exclusion(s):

    Establishments primarily engaged in:

    • broadcasting exclusively on the Internet (See 516 Internet Publishing and Broadcasting)
    • operating telecommunications networks (See 517 Telecommunications)

516 - Internet Publishing and Broadcasting

This subsector comprises establishments exclusively engaged in publishing and/or broadcasting on the Internet. The unique combination of text, audio, video, and interactive features present in informational or cultural products on the Internet distinguishes the it from more traditional publishers and broadcasters.

  • Exclusion(s):

    Establishments primarily engaged in:

    • traditional or combined publishing(511)
    • traditional or combined broadcasting (See 515 Broadcasting (except Internet))

519 - Other Information Services

This subsector comprises establishments, not classified to any other industry, primarily engaged in providing other information services. The main components are news syndicates, libraries and archives, and other information search services on a contract basis.

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