North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada [Provisional Version 0.1]

514 - Motion picture, sound recording, broadcasting and other information services

512021 - Studio and live recording services

512021.1 - Studio recording services

Services rendered in the process of converting sounds, words, and music to a permanent physical format using the specialized technical equipment of a sound recording studio. Includes production of audiocassettes, compact discs, and sound recordings in other media.

512021.2 - Live recording services

Recording on-location a live, public event, such as a conference, seminar, meeting, or concert, etc.

  • Examples of included products:

    • all recording services performed on location
    • recording of live radio broadcasts done within a sound recording studio

512021.3 - Support services for sound recording

Providing services used in the production of sound recordings.

  • Examples of included products:

    • services of sound engineers, narrators, session musicians
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