North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada [Provisional Version 0.1]

514 - Motion picture, sound recording, broadcasting and other information services

512011 - Film, television program and video production services

512011.1 - Audiovisual works protected by copyright

Copyrighted audiovisual works produced without contract for outright sale (i.e., with all-attendant property rights). Includes audiovisual works produced for sale that are implicitly or explicitly protected by copyright. Includes productions intended for commercial theatres, television, or the home video market.

512011.2 - Contract production of copyrighted audiovisual works

Audiovisual works protected by copyright, provided under contract to others. The audiovisual work may be a motion picture film, a television program, a commercial, a music video, a video presentation, etc. The contracts will specify the type of payment received. Contracts may also specify the disposition of any intellectual property rights associated with the work.

512011.3 - Preproduction services for audiovisual works

Provision of preparatory services for the production of audiovisual works.

  • Examples of included products:

    • script editing services
    • casting services
    • location scouting services

512011.4 - Support services for audiovisual works during production

Provision of technical and artistic support services during the production of an audiovisual work.

  • Examples of included products:

    • production management
    • services of directors, cameramen, grips, sound engineers, and extras
    • special effects services

512011.5 - Intellectual property protected by copyright

Copyrighted intellectual property produced without contract for outright sale (i.e., with all-attendant property rights). Includes intellectual properties for sale that are implicitly or explicitly protected by copyright (e.g., computer software, book, screen, film, and stage play manuscripts, choreographic and musical compositions, image effect designs, performing arts productions, architectural drawings, and photographic and fine art).

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