Variant of CIP 2000 - Primary groupings

04 - Social and Behavioural Sciences and Law

45. - Social Sciences

This series comprises instructional programs that focus on the systematic study of social systems, social institutions, and social behaviour.

45.07 - Geography and Cartography

This subseries comprises instructional program classes 45.0701 to 45.0799.

45.0701 - Geography

This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the systematic study of the spatial distribution and interrelationships of people, natural resources, plant and animal life. These programs include courses in historical and political geography, cultural geography, economic and physical geography, regional science, cartographic methods, remote sensing, spatial analysis, and applications to areas such as land-use planning, development studies, and analyses of specific countries, regions, and resources.

  • Example Program Names:

    • Applied geography
    • Cultural geography
    • Geographic sciences
    • Geography
    • Human geography
    • Physical geography
  • Exclusion

    • Range and pasture management(01.1106)
    • Geography teacher(13.1332)
    • Geodesy and geomatics engineering(14.3801)
    • Surveying(15.1102)
    • Demography(45.0501)
    • Geomatics(45.0702)
45.0702 - Cartography

This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the systematic study of mapmaking and the application of mathematical, computer, and other techniques to the science of mapping geographic information. These programs include courses in cartographic theory and map projections, computer-assisted cartography, map design and layout, photogrammetry, air photo interpretation, remote sensing, cartographic editing, and applications to specific industrial, commercial, research, and governmental mapping problems.

  • Example Program Names:

    • Cartography
    • Digital mapping
    • Geographic information systems (GIS)
    • Geomatics
    • Geomatics technician
    • Geomatics technology
    • Map design
    • Map making
    • Photogrammetry
    • Topography
  • Exclusion

    • Surveying engineering(14.3801)
    • Surveying and mapping(15.1102)
    • Drafting(15.1301)
    • Topology(27.0105)
    • Geography(45.0701)
45.0799 - Geography and Cartography, Other

This instructional program class comprises any program not listed above that relates to Geography and Cartography.

  • Example Program Names:

    • Historical geography
  • Exclusion

    • Geography education(13.1332)
    • Earth sciences(40.0601)
    • Geography(45.0701)
    • Cartography(45.0702)
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