Archived - Standard Industrial Classification - Companies and Enterprises (SIC-C) 1980

H - Electrical and Electronic Products

This industrial sector covers the manufacturing and marketing of electrical and electronic products or in providing computer services. Marketing here refers to wholesaling and related service functions.

36 - Electronic Equipment and Computer Services

This subsector consists of groupings of companies primarily engaged in the manufacturing and wholesaling of electronic products including parts and components, business machines, data processing equipment (along with the related input, software and maintenance services) and telecommunications equipment. The manufacturing and wholesaling of electronic home entertainment appliances are not covered here.

363 - Computer Equipment and Related Services, Integrated Operations

3631 - Computer Equipment and Related Services, Integrated Operations_1SIC-C1980

Companies primarily engaged in operations which integrate the manufacturing, marketing and servicing of electronic computing and peripheral equipment and provide computer programming and systems analysis, computer time renting and data input preparation services.

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