Variant of Standard Geographical Classification (SGC) 2021 for Economic Regions

3 - Ontario

35 - Ontario

3570-ER - Windsor--Sarnia

3537 - Essex
3537001 - Pelee
  • Place name(s)

    • Pelee
    • Pelee Island
    • Pelee Island South
    • Scudder
3537003 - Leamington
  • Place name(s)

    • Albuna
    • Blytheswood
    • Cherry Lane Estates
    • Elmdale
    • Erie Curve
    • Goldsmith
    • Leamington
    • Marentette Beach
    • Mersea
    • Mount Carmel
    • Oakland
    • Point Pelee
    • Seacliffe
    • Sturgeon Woods Trailer Park
    • Wigle
    • Windfall
3537013 - Kingsville
  • Place name(s)

    • Cedar Beach
    • Cedarhurst Park
    • Cottam
    • Elford
    • Essex
    • Gosfield North
    • Gosfield South
    • Kingsville
    • Klondyke
    • Leamington
    • Linden Beach
    • New California
    • North Ridge
    • Olinda
    • Ruthven
    • Union
3537016 - Essex
  • Place name(s)

    • Ambassador Beach
    • Arner
    • Barretville
    • Belcreft Beach
    • Colchester
    • Colchester North
    • Colchester South
    • Comet
    • East Harrow
    • Edgars
    • Essex
    • Gesto
    • Harrow
    • Klie's Beach
    • Levergood Beach
    • Lypps Beach
    • Marshfield
    • McGregor
    • New Canaan
    • Oxley
    • Pleasant Valley
    • Seymour Beach
    • Sinasac Corners
    • Vereker
3537028 - Amherstburg
  • Place name(s)

    • Amherst Pointe
    • Amherstburg
    • Anderdon
    • Bar Point
    • Busy Bee Corners
    • Edgewater Beach
    • Glen Eden
    • Good Child Beach
    • Lake Erie Country Club
    • Lakewood Beach
    • Malden
    • Malden Centre
    • Sunset Beach
    • The Meadows
    • Willow Beach
    • Willowood
3537034 - LaSalle
  • Place name(s)

    • Delisle's Corners
    • Heritage Estates
    • La Salle
    • LaSalle
    • Lukerville
    • Oliver
    • River Canard
    • Rivière-aux-Canards
3537039 - Windsor
  • Place name(s)

    • Bridgeview
    • Brighton Beach
    • East Windsor
    • Fontainebleau
    • Forest Glade
    • Ojibway
    • Pelton
    • Remington Park
    • Riverside
    • Roseland
    • Sandwich
    • South Walkerville
    • South Windsor
    • Sutherland
    • Tecumseh
    • Walkerville
    • Windsor
    • Windsor West / Windsor-Ouest
    • Windsor--Tecumseh
    • Yawkey
3537048 - Tecumseh
  • Place name(s)

    • Fairplay
    • Maidstone
    • Oldcastle
    • Paquette Corners
    • Sandwich South
    • St. Clair Beach
    • Tecumseh
3537064 - Lakeshore
  • Place name(s)

    • Belle River
    • Byrnedale
    • Comber
    • Deerbrook
    • Elmstead
    • Emeryville
    • Lakeshore
    • Lakeshore Park
    • Lakeshore Township
    • Lapointe
    • Lighthouse
    • Maidstone
    • North Woodslee
    • Pike Creek
    • Pleasant Park
    • Puce
    • Puce-Emeryville
    • Rochester
    • Ruscom Station
    • South Woodslee
    • St. Joachim
    • Staples
    • Stoney Point
    • Stoney Point/Pointe-aux-Roches
    • Suncrest Trailer Park
    • Tilbury North
    • Tilbury West
    • Valentino Park
    • Windsor
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