North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada 2017 Version 2.0


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183 - Other food products

This group comprises other food products such as breakfast cereal, bread, chocolate and snack food products.

  • Exclusion(s)

    • cannabis-infused edible products (See 2131332 Cannabis-infused edible products (except beverages))

18352 - Frozen foods, n.e.c.

This class comprises frozen foods, n.e.c.

  • Exclusion(s)

    • cannabis-infused edible products (See 2131332 Cannabis-infused edible products (except beverages))

183521 - Frozen vegetables

This subclass comprises frozen vegetables, whether cooked or not. May be frozen in butter or sauce.

183522 - Frozen fruit

This subclass comprises frozen fruit.

183523 - Frozen dinners and frozen foods, n.e.c.

This subclass comprises frozen dinners and frozen foods, n.e.c.

  • Exclusion(s)

    • cannabis-infused edible products (See 2131332 Cannabis-infused edible products (except beverages))
    • frozen baked desserts (See 1831431 Frozen baked desserts and doughnuts)
    • frozen fish and seafood dinners (See 1711142 Frozen prepared seafood dinners and seafood products, n.e.c.)
    • ice cream, sherbet and similar frozen desserts (See 1731411 Ice cream, sherbet and similar frozen desserts)
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