Standard Geographical Classification (SGC) 2001

12 - Nova Scotia

1211 - Cumberland County

1211001 - Cumberland, Subd. A

  • Localities

    • Advocate East
    • Advocate Harbour
    • Advocate West
    • Allen Hill
    • Allenville
    • Apple River
    • Apple River, East
    • Apple River, West
    • Barronsfield
    • Black Rock
    • Brookville
    • Cannonville
    • Cross Roads
    • Diligent River
    • East Advocate
    • East Apple River
    • East Fraserville
    • Eatonville
    • Fox River
    • Fraserville
    • Halfway River
    • Halfway River Station
    • Halfway River, West
    • Hard Scrabble
    • Harrison Settlement
    • Joggins
    • Kirkhill
    • Lake Road Corner
    • Lakeland
    • Lakelands
    • Lower Cove
    • Mill Creek
    • Minudie
    • New Salem
    • New Yarmouth
    • North Greville
    • Parrsborough Airport
    • Parrsborough Shore
    • Pettigrew Settlement
    • Point Hill
    • Port Greville
    • Ragged Reef
    • River Hebert
    • River Hebert, East
    • River Hebert, West
    • Sand River
    • Shulie
    • Spencers Island
    • Spicer Cove
    • Spicers Cove
    • Two Rivers
    • Union Valley
    • Wards Brook
    • West Advocate
    • West Apple River
    • West Bay
    • Wharton
    • Woods Mountain
    • York Settlement
    • Yorke Settlement

1211002 - Parrsboro

  • Localities

    • Riverside Beach

1211006 - Cumberland, Subd. B

  • Localities

    • Athol
    • Athol Road
    • Athol Station
    • Blue Sac Road
    • Chignecto
    • Claremont
    • Collingwood Corner
    • Cumberland
    • East Mapleton
    • East Southampton
    • Farmington
    • Fenwick
    • Gilbert Mountain
    • Glenville
    • Greenhill
    • Harrison Road
    • Jubilee
    • Leamington
    • Little Forks
    • Lower Maccan
    • Lower River Hébert
    • Maccan
    • Mapleton
    • Mapleton, East
    • McCan River-Springhill
    • Millers Corner
    • Millvale
    • Moose River
    • Nappan
    • Nappan Station
    • New Canaan
    • New Prospect
    • Newville
    • Poison Lake
    • River Hebert East
    • River Hebert Head
    • River Hebert, Head
    • River Hebert, Lower
    • River Philip
    • River Philip Centre
    • Rodney
    • Salt Springs
    • Salt Springs Station
    • South Athol
    • South Brook
    • Southampton
    • Springhill Junction
    • Springhill-McCan River
    • Two Islands
    • Valley Road
    • West Brook
    • Williamsdale
    • Williamsdale East
    • Windham Hill
    • Wyvern

1211008 - Springhill

1211009 - Cumberland, Subd. C

  • Localities

    • Amherst Head
    • Amherst Point
    • Amherst Shore
    • Amherst Shore-Amherst
    • Amherst-Amherst Shore
    • Beckwith
    • Beecham Settlement
    • Black River Road
    • Brookdale
    • Cameron Beach
    • Carrington
    • Chapman Settlement
    • East Amherst
    • East Leicester
    • East Linden
    • Fort Lawrence
    • Hastings
    • Head of Amherst
    • Heather Beach
    • Jacksons Point
    • Kolbec
    • Kolbeck
    • Lake Killarney
    • Leicester, East
    • Leicester, West
    • Linden
    • Little River
    • Lorneville
    • Lower Shinimicas
    • Mansfield
    • Mount Pleasant
    • Northport
    • Port Howe
    • Ripley Loop
    • Riverview
    • Rossendale
    • Salem
    • Seagrove
    • Shinimecas Bridge
    • Shinimecas, Lower
    • Shinimicas Bridge
    • Stanley
    • Tidnish
    • Tidnish Bridge
    • Tidnish Cross Roads
    • Truemanville
    • Tyndal Road
    • Upper Linden
    • Upper Nappan
    • Warren
    • West Amherst
    • West Leicester
    • West Linden

1211011 - Amherst

1211012 - Oxford

1211014 - Cumberland, Subd. D

  • Localities

    • Appleton
    • Atkinson
    • Birchwood
    • Blue Sea Corner
    • Conn Mills
    • Conns Mills
    • East Hansford
    • East Wallace
    • East Wentworth
    • Folly Lake
    • Fountain Road
    • Fox Harbour
    • Greenville Station
    • Greenville, Lower
    • Greenville, North
    • Gulf Shore
    • Hansford
    • Hartford
    • Head of Wallace Bay
    • Irishtown Road
    • Jersey
    • Kerrs Mill Road
    • Lower Greenville
    • Lower Gulf Shore
    • Lower Wentworth
    • Mahoneys Corner
    • Malagash
    • Malagash Mine
    • Malagash Point
    • Malagash Station
    • Malagash, South Shore
    • Middleboro
    • Middleboro, North
    • Miller Road
    • North Greenville
    • North Middleboro
    • North Shore
    • North Wallace
    • North Wallace Bay
    • Oxford Junction
    • Port Philip
    • Pugwash
    • Pugwash Junction
    • Pugwash Point
    • Pugwash River
    • Pugwash, Upper
    • Richmond
    • Rockley
    • Rockly
    • Rose
    • Roslin
    • Six Mile Road
    • Sixmile Road
    • South Middleboro
    • South Pugwash
    • South Shore
    • South Victoria
    • South Wallace
    • South Wallace Bay
    • Streets Ridge
    • Swallow Settlement
    • Thomson
    • Thomson Station
    • Upper Gulf Shore
    • Upper Malagash
    • Upper Pugwash
    • Victoria
    • Victoria, South
    • Wallace
    • Wallace Bay
    • Wallace Bridge
    • Wallace Bridge Station
    • Wallace Grant
    • Wallace Highlands
    • Wallace Ridge
    • Wallace River
    • Wallace River-Wentworth
    • Wallace Station
    • Wallace, East
    • Wallace, South
    • Wentworth
    • Wentworth Centre
    • Wentworth Station
    • Wentworth Valley
    • Wentworth, Centre
    • Wentworth, East
    • Wentworth, Lower
    • Wentworth-Wallace River
    • West Hansford
    • West Pugwash
    • West Wentworth
    • Westchester
    • Westchester Lake
    • Westchester Mountain
    • Westchester Station
    • Westchester Valley
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