North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada 2017 Version 1.0


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114 - Fresh fruit, nuts and vegetables, and pulse crops

This group comprises fresh fruit, nuts, and vegetables, and pulse crops.

  • Exclusion(s)

    • cut, peeled, polished or sliced fresh fruit and vegetables (See 1836121 Perishable prepared food)
    • frozen whole fruit (See 1835221 Frozen fruit)

11431 - Pulse crops (except soybeans)

This class comprises pulse crops, which are dry annual leguminous plants or edible seeds, harvested from pods, and primarily for the use in food processing, as both human food and animal feed.

  • Exclusion(s)

    • peanuts (See 1141151 Peanuts)
    • soybeans (See 1151211 Soybeans)

114311 - Chickpeas

This subclass comprises chickpeas.

  • Exclusion(s)

    • fresh green peas (See 1142216 Green leguminous vegetables)

114312 - Lentils

This subclass comprises lentils.

114313 - Dry beans

This subclass comprises dry beans.

  • Exclusion(s)

    • beans for vegetable dyes and leather tanning (See 1151397 Other crude vegetable materials)
    • fresh beans (See 1142216 Green leguminous vegetables)

114314 - Dry peas

This subclass comprises dry peas.

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