Variant of NAICS 2017 Version 3.0 - Labour Force

8.1.1 - Agriculture

This classification variant comprises establishments coded to 'Crop production' (NAICS 111), 'Animal production and aquaculture' (NAICS 112), 'Support activities for crop production' (NAICS 1151), 'Support activities for animal production' (NAICS 1152), as well as 'Farming not elsewhere classified' (LFS code 1100).

Agriculture comprises establishments primarily engaged in growing crops, raising animals and providing related support activities.

Establishments primarily engaged in agricultural research or that supply veterinary services are not included in this sector.

111 - Crop production

This subsector comprises establishments, such as farms, orchards, groves, greenhouses and nurseries, primarily engaged in growing crops, plants, vines, trees and their seeds (excluding those engaged in forestry operations). Industries have been created taking into account input factors, such as suitable land, climatic conditions, type of equipment, and the amount and type of labour required. The production process is typically completed when the raw product or commodity grown reaches the farm gate for market, that is, at the point of first sale or price determination. Establishments in these industries may use traditional crop production methods, employ modified or improved crop inputs, or engage in organic crop production.

An establishment is classified within this subsector provided that fifty percent or more of the establishment's agricultural production consists of crops. Establishments with fifty percent or more crop production and with no one product or family of products accounting for fifty percent of the production are treated as combination crop farms and classified to 11199 All other crop farming, except if fifty percent or more of the production is a combination of oilseeds and grains, in which case they are classified to 11119 Other grain farming.

1111 - Oilseed and grain farming

This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in growing oilseeds and grains. Establishments primarily engaged in producing seeds are classified in the appropriate crop industry.

11111 - Soybean farming

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in growing soybeans.

11112 - Oilseed (except soybean) farming

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in growing fibrous plants that produce oilseeds.

11113 - Dry pea and bean farming

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in growing dry peas, beans and lentils.

11114 - Wheat farming

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in growing wheat.

11115 - Corn farming

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in growing corn.

11116 - Rice farming

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in growing rice, except wild rice.

11119 - Other grain farming

This industry comprises establishments, not classified to any other industry, primarily engaged in growing grains. Farms primarily engaged in growing a combination of oilseeds and grains are also included.

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