Standard Geographical Classification (SGC) 2011


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1 - Atlantic

10 - Newfoundland and Labrador

1009 - Division No. 9

1009001 - Division No. 9, Subd. F
  • Place name(s)

    • Canada Harbour
    • Croque
    • Division No. 9, Subd. F
    • Fischot Islands
    • Four Harbour
    • Grandois
    • Great Harbour Deep
    • Grey Islands Harbour
    • Groais Island
    • Harbour Deep
    • Hooping Harbour
    • Little Harbour Deep
    • North East Croque
    • Northeast Arm Harbour Deep
    • Northeast Crouse
    • Pointe à l'Aurore
    • Southwest Croque
    • Southwest Crouse
    • St. Juliens
    • St. Julien's
    • Wild Cove
    • Williamsport
1009004 - Englee
  • Place name(s)

    • Englee
    • Robert
1009007 - Roddickton-Bide Arm
  • Place name(s)

    • Bide Arm
    • Roddickton
    • Roddickton-Bide Arm
1009008 - Conche
  • Place name(s)

    • Conche
1009009 - Division No. 9, Subd. A
  • Place name(s)

    • Bakers Brook
    • Chimney Cove
    • Division No. 9
    • Division No. 9, Subd. A
    • Gadds Harbour
    • Green Point
    • Gulls Marsh
    • Lomond
    • Stanleyville
    • Wiltondale
1009010 - Trout River
  • Place name(s)

    • Trout River
1009011 - Woody Point, Bonne Bay
  • Place name(s)

    • Bonne Bay
    • Curzon
    • Curzon Village
    • St. Josephs Cove
    • Winter House Brook
    • Woody Point
    • Woody Point, Bonne Bay
1009012 - Norris Point
  • Place name(s)

    • Neddy Harbour
    • Norris Point
    • Wild Cove
1009013 - Rocky Harbour
  • Place name(s)

    • Lobster Cove
    • Rocky Harbour
    • Woody Cove
1009015 - Daniel's Harbour
  • Place name(s)

    • Daniel's Harbour
1009016 - Cow Head
  • Place name(s)

    • Cow Head
1009017 - Parson's Pond
  • Place name(s)

    • Parson's Pond
1009018 - Hawke's Bay
  • Place name(s)

    • Hawke's Bay
1009019 - Port Saunders
  • Place name(s)

    • Port Saunders
1009020 - St. Pauls
  • Place name(s)

    • St. Pauls
1009021 - Division No. 9, Subd. C
  • Place name(s)

    • Bartletts Harbour
    • Bear Cove
    • Bear Cove, Northern Peninsula
    • Big Brook
    • Black Duck Cove
    • Black Duck Cove, Northern Peninsula
    • Blue Cove
    • Brig Bay
    • Castor River North
    • Castor River South
    • Castors River North
    • Castors River South
    • Castors River-Bartletts Harbour
    • Current Island
    • Deadmans Cove
    • Division No. 9, Subd. C
    • Eddies Cove
    • Forresters Point
    • Forresters Point-Black Duck Cove-St.Barbe-Current Island-Pigeon Cove
    • Green Island Brook
    • Green Island Cove
    • Green Island Cove-Payne's Cove
    • Lonesome Cove
    • Lower Cove
    • Mistaken Cove
    • Nameless Cove
    • New Ferolle
    • Pidgeon Cove-St Barbe
    • Pidgeon Cove-St. Barbe
    • Pigeon Cove
    • Pines Cove
    • Plum Point
    • Pond Cove
    • Reefs Harbour
    • Reefs Harbour-Shoal Cove West-New Ferolle
    • Salmon Rock
    • Sandy Cove, St. Barbe North
    • Savage Cove
    • Shoal Cove
    • Shoal Cove-Reefs Harbour-New Ferolle
    • St Barbe
1009022 - Port au Choix
  • Place name(s)

    • Gargamelle
    • Port au Choix
1009023 - Anchor Point
  • Place name(s)

    • Anchor Point
1009024 - Flower's Cove
  • Place name(s)

    • Flower's Cove
1009026 - Bird Cove
  • Place name(s)

    • Bird Cove
1009028 - Main Brook
  • Place name(s)

    • Burnt Village
    • Main Brook
1009029 - St. Anthony
  • Place name(s)

    • Pateyville
    • St. Anthony
1009030 - Glenburnie-Birchy Head-Shoal Brook
  • Place name(s)

    • Birchy Head
    • Glenburnie
    • Glenburnie-Birchy Head-Shoal Brook
    • Shoal Brook
    • Silver Point
1009031 - Division No. 9, Subd. D
  • Place name(s)

    • Belle Isle
    • Cape Norman
    • Cape Onion
    • Caplin Gulch
    • Division No. 9, Subd. D
    • Great Brehat
    • Great Brehat-St.Carol's-St.Anthony Bight
    • Hay Cove
    • L'Anse aux Meadows
    • L'Anse aux Meadows to Quirpon
    • Little Brehat
    • Little Quirpon
    • Lock's Cove
    • Noddy Bay
    • North Boat Harbour
    • North Boat-Wild Bight
    • Quirpon
    • Quirpon-Noddy Bay-Spillar's Cove-L'Anse au Meadow
    • Ship Cove
    • Ship Cove, Northern Peninsula
    • Spillars Cove
    • St. Anthony Bight
    • St. Carols
    • Straitsview
    • Wild Bight
1009032 - St. Lunaire-Griquet
  • Place name(s)

    • Griquet
    • Gunners Cove
    • St. Lunaire
    • St. Lunaire-Griquet
1009034 - Cook's Harbour
  • Place name(s)

    • Cook's Harbour
1009035 - Raleigh
  • Place name(s)

    • Raleigh
1009037 - Sally's Cove
  • Place name(s)

    • Sally's Cove
1009039 - Goose Cove East
  • Place name(s)

    • Goose Cove
    • Goose Cove East
1009041 - Division No. 9, Subd. H
  • Place name(s)

    • Division No. 9, Subd. H
    • Portland Creek
    • Three Mile Rock
1009042 - Bellburns
  • Place name(s)

    • Bellburns
1009047 - Division No. 9, Subd. G
  • Place name(s)

    • Barr'd Harbour
    • Division No. 9, Subd. G
    • Eddies Cove West
    • Spirity Cove
    • St. John Island
1009048 - River of Ponds
  • Place name(s)

    • River of Ponds
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