Canadian Research and Development Classification (CRDC) 2020 Version 1.0 - Field of Research (FOR)


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  • RDF20-21 - Engineering and technology
  • RDF201 - Civil engineering, maritime engineering, transport engineering, and mining engineering
  • RDF20101 - Civil engineering
  • RDF2010101 - Geotechnical engineering
  • RDF2010102 - Building construction engineering
  • RDF2010103 - Concrete, cementitious materials and other architectural and construction materials
  • RDF2010104 - Earthquake engineering
  • RDF2010105 - Infrastructure engineering
  • RDF2010106 - Structural engineering
  • RDF2010107 - Water resources infrastructure engineering
  • RDF2010108 - Hydraulic engineering
  • RDF2010109 - Geomechanics
  • RDF2010199 - Civil engineering, n.e.c.
  • RDF20102 - Marine engineering
  • RDF2010201 - Naval architecture
  • RDF2010202 - Ocean engineering
  • RDF2010203 - Ship hydrodynamics
  • RDF2010204 - Marine platform hydrodynamics engineering
  • RDF2010205 - Offshore engineering (including marine platform structures)
  • RDF2010206 - Special marine vehicles engineering
  • RDF2010299 - Marine engineering, n.e.c.
  • RDF20103 - Land transportation systems engineering
  • RDF2010301 - Traffic and highway engineering
  • RDF2010302 - Railway and airport engineering
  • RDF2010303 - Public transportation engineering
  • RDF2010304 - Road safety engineering
  • RDF2010305 - Transportation demand modelling
  • RDF2010306 - Pavement materials and structure
  • RDF2010307 - Transportation systems infrastructure engineering for autonomous vehicles
  • RDF2010399 - Land transportation systems engineering, n.e.c.
  • RDF20104 - Mining engineering
  • RDF2010499 - Mining engineering
  • RDF202 - Industrial, systems and processes engineering
  • RDF20201 - Human factor engineering
  • RDF2020101 - Brain-computer interface
  • RDF2020102 - Physical, environmental and cognitive ergonomics
  • RDF2020103 - Control design
  • RDF2020104 - Human-computer systems and interface
  • RDF2020105 - Assistive technologies
  • RDF2020199 - Human factor engineering, n.e.c.
  • RDF20202 - Systems engineering
  • RDF2020201 - Design and analysis of systems
  • RDF2020202 - Modelling and applications of systems
  • RDF2020203 - Intelligent renewable energy systems
  • RDF2020204 - Intelligent transport systems
  • RDF2020205 - Production systems engineering
  • RDF2020299 - Systems engineering, n.e.c.
  • RDF20203 - Operational research
  • RDF2020301 - Programming in operational research (including linear and nonlinear programming)
  • RDF2020302 - Combinatorial and network optimization (including programming and metaheuristics)
  • RDF2020303 - Optimization under uncertainty (including stochastic and robust optimization)
  • RDF2020304 - Bilevel optimization and game theory
  • RDF2020305 - Stochastic models (including queueing and simulation)
  • RDF2020306 - Decisions and risk analysis
  • RDF2020307 - Quality systems engineering
  • RDF2020399 - Operational research, n.e.c.
  • RDF20204 - Biosystems and agricultural engineering
  • RDF2020401 - Irrigation
  • RDF2020402 - Agricultural power machinery
  • RDF2020403 - Crop management technologies
  • RDF2020404 - Pesticides and pesticides applications
  • RDF2020499 - Biosystems and agricultural engineering, n.e.c.
  • RDF20299 - Other industrial, systems and processes engineering
  • RDF2029999 - Other industrial, systems and processes engineering
  • RDF203 - Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering
  • RDF20301 - Computer engineering
  • RDF2030101 - Systems software
  • RDF2030102 - Computational languages (including domain-specific languages)
  • RDF2030103 - Middleware systems
  • RDF2030104 - Computer systems engineering
  • RDF2030105 - Computer architecture
  • RDF2030106 - Computer memory systems and storage
  • RDF2030107 - Digital hardware and technologies
  • RDF2030108 - Computer configurable hardware
  • RDF2030109 - Computer-aided design
  • RDF2030110 - Hardware and software for computer security
  • RDF2030111 - Machine learning systems
  • RDF2030199 - Computer engineering, n.e.c.
  • RDF20302 - Communications and networks technologies
  • RDF2030201 - Wireless communication systems
  • RDF2030202 - Coding and information theory applied to communications and networks technologies
  • RDF2030203 - Digital communications
  • RDF2030204 - Internet of Things
  • RDF2030205 - Software-defined network (SDN)
  • RDF2030206 - Cloud computing systems
  • RDF2030207 - Service network management systems
  • RDF2030208 - Network protocols and architectures
  • RDF2030209 - Network science and engineering
  • RDF2030210 - Spectrum sharing and management
  • RDF2030211 - Multimedia communication and networking
  • RDF2030212 - Cyber-physical systems
  • RDF2030213 - Cybersecurity and privacy technologies
  • RDF2030214 - Fibre-optic communications technologies
  • RDF2030215 - Optical networks
  • RDF2030216 - Communications and network control systems
  • RDF2030217 - Networked robotics and automation
  • RDF2030299 - Communications and networks technologies, n.e.c.
  • RDF20303 - Data analytics and signal processing
  • RDF2030301 - Learning and adaptive systems
  • RDF2030302 - Artificial intelligence engineering
  • RDF2030303 - Optimization and data analytics algorithms and systems
  • RDF2030304 - Distributed computation and signal processing
  • RDF2030305 - Image and video processing and analysis
  • RDF2030306 - Acoustic signal processing
  • RDF2030307 - Computer vision in data analytics and signal processing
  • RDF2030308 - Cognition and cognitive dynamic systems
  • RDF2030309 - Bio-signal processing and analysis
  • RDF2030310 - Signal processing for security and privacy
  • RDF2030311 - Radar and sonar signal processing
  • RDF2030312 - Remote sensing of signal processing
  • RDF2030313 - Signal processing modelling and simulation systems
  • RDF2030314 - Signal processing theory
  • RDF2030399 - Data analytics and signal processing, n.e.c.
  • RDF20304 - Electrical energy systems
  • RDF2030401 - Power dynamics and control systems
  • RDF2030402 - Power electronics
  • RDF2030403 - Renewable energy systems (except smart systems engineering)
  • RDF2030404 - Power quality
  • RDF2030405 - Energy storage
  • RDF2030406 - Smart power grids
  • RDF2030407 - Power system operation
  • RDF2030408 - Power system protection
  • RDF2030409 - Electric machines and drive systems
  • RDF2030410 - High-Voltage DC (HVDC) systems
  • RDF2030411 - Power distribution systems
  • RDF2030499 - Electrical energy systems, n.e.c.
  • RDF20305 - Electromagnetics, photonics and optics
  • RDF2030501 - Electricity and magnetism theory
  • RDF2030502 - Applied electromagnetics
  • RDF2030503 - Numerical methods in electromagnetics
  • RDF2030504 - Microwave theory and techniques
  • RDF2030505 - Instruments and circuits for RF microwave and millimeter wave
  • RDF2030506 - Terahertz studies
  • RDF2030507 - Antennas and propagation
  • RDF2030508 - Radar theory and applications
  • RDF2030509 - Metamaterials and metasurfaces sciences
  • RDF2030510 - Photonics and electro-optical engineering
  • RDF2030511 - Optoelectronics
  • RDF2030512 - Integrated optics
  • RDF2030513 - Applied optics
  • RDF2030514 - Optical spectroscopy
  • RDF2030515 - Semiconductor devices
  • RDF2030516 - Optical instrumentation (including sensing and metrology)
  • RDF2030517 - Optical signal processing
  • RDF2030518 - Quantum photonics
  • RDF2030519 - Optical and data communications
  • RDF2030520 - Fiber optics
  • RDF2030521 - Nonlinear optics
  • RDF2030522 - Ultrafast optics
  • RDF2030599 - Electromagnetics, photonics and optics, n.e.c.
  • RDF20306 - Electronics
  • RDF2030601 - Electrical circuits
  • RDF2030602 - Microelectronic devices
  • RDF2030603 - Circuits and systems
  • RDF2030604 - Mixed-signal integrated circuits
  • RDF2030605 - Very large-scale integrated circuits
  • RDF2030606 - Modeling techniques in electronics
  • RDF2030607 - Microelectronics and integrated circuits
  • RDF2030608 - Industrial electronics
  • RDF2030609 - Microfabrication techniques in electronics
  • RDF2030610 - Thin films
  • RDF2030611 - Lab-on-a-chip (LOC) technologies
  • RDF2030612 - Microelectrical mechanical systems and microsystems design
  • RDF2030613 - Quantum electronics
  • RDF2030614 - Biomedical electronics
  • RDF2030615 - Sensory electronics
  • RDF2030616 - Power semiconductor devices and packaging
  • RDF2030617 - Semiconductor and atomic-scale electronic devices
  • RDF2030618 - Semiconductor and superconducting qubits
  • RDF2030619 - Power management integrated circuits
  • RDF2030620 - Analog and mixed-signal VLSI computing
  • RDF2030621 - Machine learning accelerators
  • RDF2030622 - Electro-optic integrated circuits
  • RDF2030623 - Radio, radar, and mm-wave sensor integrated circuits
  • RDF2030624 - Cryogenic control electronics for quantum processors
  • RDF2030699 - Electronics, n.e.c.
  • RDF20307 - Systems control and automation
  • RDF2030701 - Nonlinear and hybrid control systems
  • RDF2030702 - Game theory and optimal control
  • RDF2030703 - Discrete-event systems
  • RDF2030704 - Systems biology and control
  • RDF2030705 - Control with complex specifications
  • RDF2030706 - Motion control of robots
  • RDF2030707 - Distributed control and estimation
  • RDF2030708 - Networked control systems
  • RDF2030709 - Data-driven estimation, optimization, and control
  • RDF2030710 - Fault-tolerant control
  • RDF2030799 - Systems controls and automation, n.e.c.
  • RDF204 - Mechanical engineering
  • RDF20401 - Aerospace engineering
  • RDF2040101 - Aerodynamics (except hypersonic aerodynamics)
  • RDF2040102 - Aerospace materials
  • RDF2040103 - Aerospace structures
  • RDF2040104 - Aircraft performance and flight control systems
  • RDF2040105 - Avionics
  • RDF2040106 - Flight dynamics
  • RDF2040107 - Hypersonic propulsion and hypersonic aerodynamics
  • RDF2040108 - Satellites, space vehicles and missiles design and testing
  • RDF2040109 - Aerospace systems design
  • RDF2040199 - Aerospace engineering, n.e.c.
  • RDF20402 - Automotive engineering
  • RDF2040201 - Automotive combustion and fuel engineering (including alternative and renewable fuels)
  • RDF2040202 - Automotive engineering materials
  • RDF2040203 - Automotive mechatronics
  • RDF2040204 - Automotive safety engineering
  • RDF2040205 - Hybrid vehicles and powertrains
  • RDF2040206 - Autonomous vehicles (except systems infrastructures)
  • RDF2040299 - Automotive engineering, n.e.c.
  • RDF20403 - Manufacturing engineering
  • RDF2040301 - Computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) systems
  • RDF2040302 - Flexible manufacturing systems
  • RDF2040303 - Machine tools
  • RDF2040304 - Machining
  • RDF2040305 - Manufacturing management
  • RDF2040306 - Manufacturing processes and technologies (except textiles)
  • RDF2040307 - Mechatronics (except automotive mechatronics)
  • RDF2040308 - Manufacturing safety and quality
  • RDF2040309 - Microtechnology
  • RDF2040310 - Packaging, storage and transportation (except food and agricultural products)
  • RDF2040311 - Precision engineering
  • RDF2040312 - Textile manufacturing processes and technologies
  • RDF2040313 - Industrial design in manufacturing engineering
  • RDF2040399 - Manufacturing engineering, n.e.c.
  • RDF20499 - Other mechanical engineering
  • RDF2049901 - Acoustics and noise control (except architectural acoustics)
  • RDF2049902 - Automation and control engineering
  • RDF2049903 - Dynamics, vibration and vibration control
  • RDF2049904 - Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS)
  • RDF2049905 - Numerical modelling and mechanical characterisation
  • RDF2049906 - Solid mechanics
  • RDF2049907 - Tribology
  • RDF2049908 - Fluidization and fluid mechanics
  • RDF2049909 - Heat and mass transfer operations
  • RDF2049910 - Fluid-structure interaction
  • RDF2049911 - Mechanical characterization (including modeling, testing, and monitoring)
  • RDF2049999 - Other mechanical engineering, n.e.c.
  • RDF205 - Chemical engineering
  • RDF20501 - Chemical engineering
  • RDF2050101 - Carbon capture engineering
  • RDF2050102 - Catalytic process engineering
  • RDF2050103 - Chemical engineering design
  • RDF2050104 - Membrane and other separation technologies
  • RDF2050105 - Non-automotive combustion engineering (including alternative and renewable fuels)
  • RDF2050106 - Fuel engineering (including renewable)
  • RDF2050107 - Powder and particle technology
  • RDF2050108 - Process control and simulation in chemical engineering
  • RDF2050109 - Rheology
  • RDF2050110 - Petroleum and reservoir engineering
  • RDF2050111 - Biochemical engineering
  • RDF2050112 - Reaction fundamentals and reactor design
  • RDF2050199 - Chemical engineering, n.e.c.
  • RDF206 - Materials engineering and resources engineering
  • RDF20601 - Materials engineering
  • RDF2060101 - Ceramics engineering
  • RDF2060102 - Composite and hybrid materials
  • RDF2060103 - Compound semiconductors
  • RDF2060104 - Elemental semiconductors
  • RDF2060105 - Functional materials in materials engineering sciences
  • RDF2060106 - Glass engineering
  • RDF2060107 - Metals and alloy materials engineering
  • RDF2060108 - Organic semiconductors
  • RDF2060109 - Polymers and plastics engineering
  • RDF2060110 - Timber, pulp and paper engineering
  • RDF2060111 - Methods of synthesis and growth of materials
  • RDF2060112 - Elaboration and characterizations of thin and ultrathin layers
  • RDF2060113 - Relation micro-nanostructure and properties
  • RDF2060114 - Structure property relationships modelling of thin layers
  • RDF2060115 - Nanoparticle synthesis, properties and applications
  • RDF2060116 - Electrical, optical, catalytic and magnetic properties of thin layers
  • RDF2060199 - Materials engineering, n.e.c.
  • RDF20602 - Resources engineering and extractive metallurgy
  • RDF2060201 - Electrometallurgy
  • RDF2060202 - Hydrometallurgy
  • RDF2060203 - Mineral processing and beneficiation
  • RDF2060204 - Pyrometallurgy
  • RDF2060299 - Resources engineering and extractive metallurgy, n.e.c.
  • RDF207 - Medical and biomedical engineering
  • RDF20701 - Medical and biomedical engineering
  • RDF2070101 - Biomedical materials
  • RDF2070102 - Biomechanical engineering
  • RDF2070103 - Biomedical instrumentation (including diagnostics)
  • RDF2070104 - Medical devices
  • RDF2070105 - Rehabilitation engineering (except assistive technologies)
  • RDF2070106 - Artificial tissues engineering
  • RDF2070107 - Biomedical signal processing
  • RDF2070108 - Biomedical robotics
  • RDF2070109 - Image guided surgery systems
  • RDF2070199 - Medical and biomedical engineering, n.e.c.
  • RDF208 - Environmental engineering and related engineering
  • RDF20801 - Environmental engineering
  • RDF2080101 - Residual materials management
  • RDF2080102 - Product life cycle
  • RDF2080103 - Environmental impacts
  • RDF2080104 - Bioremediation and soil restoration
  • RDF2080105 - Wastewater treatment (including water treatment processes)
  • RDF2080106 - Water quality engineering
  • RDF2080107 - Waste management (including agricultural waste)
  • RDF2080199 - Environmental engineering, n.e.c.
  • RDF20802 - Geomatics engineering
  • RDF2080201 - Cartography
  • RDF2080202 - Geospatial information systems
  • RDF2080203 - Navigation and position fixing
  • RDF2080204 - Remote sensing in geomatics and photogrammetry
  • RDF2080205 - Geomatic surveying (including hydrographic surveying)
  • RDF2080299 - Geomatics engineering, n.e.c.
  • RDF20899 - Other environmental engineering and related engineering
  • RDF2089999 - Other environmental engineering and related engineering
  • RDF209 - Environmental biotechnology
  • RDF20901 - Environmental biotechnology
  • RDF2090101 - Biodiscovery
  • RDF2090102 - Biological control
  • RDF2090103 - Bioremediation
  • RDF2090104 - Environmental biotechnology diagnostics (including biosensors)
  • RDF2090105 - Environmental marine biotechnology
  • RDF2090106 - Environmental molecular engineering of nucleic acids and proteins
  • RDF2090199 - Environmental biotechnology, n.e.c.
  • RDF210 - Industrial biotechnology
  • RDF21001 - Industrial biotechnology
  • RDF2100101 - Biocatalysis and enzyme technology
  • RDF2100102 - Bioprocessing, bioproduction and bioproducts
  • RDF2100103 - Fermentation biotechnology
  • RDF2100104 - Industrial biotechnology diagnostics (including biosensors)
  • RDF2100105 - Industrial microbiology (including biofeedstocks)
  • RDF2100106 - Industrial molecular engineering of nucleic acids and proteins
  • RDF2100199 - Industrial biotechnology, n.e.c.
  • RDF211 - Nano-technology
  • RDF21101 - Nano-technology
  • RDF2110101 - Environmental nanotechnology
  • RDF2110102 - Nanobiotechnology
  • RDF2110103 - Nanoelectromechanical systems
  • RDF2110104 - Nanoelectronics
  • RDF2110105 - Nanofabrication, growth and self-assembly
  • RDF2110106 - Nanomanufacturing
  • RDF2110107 - Nanomaterials
  • RDF2110108 - Nanomedicine
  • RDF2110109 - Nanometrology
  • RDF2110110 - Nanophotonics
  • RDF2110111 - Nanoscale characterisation
  • RDF2110112 - Nanotoxicology, health and safety
  • RDF2110113 - Molecular and organic electronics
  • RDF2110199 - Nanotechnology, n.e.c.
  • RDF212 - Other engineering and technologies
  • RDF21201 - Engineering design
  • RDF2120101 - Engineering design empirical studies
  • RDF2120102 - Engineering design knowledge
  • RDF2120103 - Engineering design methods
  • RDF2120104 - Engineering systems design
  • RDF2120105 - Models of engineering design
  • RDF2120106 - Engineering design, n.e.c.
  • RDF2120107 - Nuclear engineering (including fuel enrichment and nuclear waste processing and storage)
  • RDF2120199 - Other engineering and technologies, n.e.c.
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