National Occupational Classification for Statistics (NOC-S) 2001

C0 - Professional Occupations in Natural and Applied Sciences

Occupations in this major group are primarily concerned with conducting experimental and theoretical research into physical and life sciences, applying scientific knowledge in engineering and architectural projects, and designing systems which make use of electronic data processing equipment in industrial and commercial situations.

C01 - Physical Science Professionals

Occupations in this minor group are primarily concerned with conducting experimental and theoretical research into physical phenomena, astronomy, chemical processes, geological conditions and other branches of physical science. Technologists and technicians in physical sciences are classified in the appropriate unit group of minor group C11 - Technical Occupations in Physical Sciences.

C02 - Life Science Professionals

Occupations in this minor group are primarily concerned with conducting research on living organisms, planning and administering forestry programs, advising farmers on agricultural problems, and conducting studies in microbiology as it relates to health sciences.

C03 - Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Chemical Engineers

Occupations in this minor group are primarily concerned with researching, planning, designing and developing: construction projects; machinery and systems for heating and cooling structures; electrical and electronic equipment and systems; and chemical processes, and equipement and plants for chemical processes.

C04 - Other Engineers

Occupations in this minor group are primarily concerned with planning, designing and developing: mines and mine facilities; programs for geological data acquisition and analysis; programs for drilling, completion and testing of oil and gas wells; efficient industrial production; aircraft and aerospace systems and components; computers; machinery and processes to concentrate, extract, refine and process metals; and other engineering research, design, and development not elsewhere classified.

C05 - Architects, Urban Planners and Land Surveyors

Occupations in this minor group are primarily concerned with designing and developing plans for structures and landscape designs, land use planning, and conducting legal land surveys.

C06 - Mathematicians, Statisticians and Actuaries

Occupations in this minor group are primarily concerned with researching mathematical and statistical theories, and developing and applying mathematical and statistical techniques for solving problems in such fields as science, engineering,business and social science.

C07 - Computer and Information Systems Professionals

Occupations in this minor group are primarily concerned with providing professional expertise in the area of information technology.

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