Archived - Standard Industrial Classification - Establishments (SIC-E) 1980

82 - Provincial and Territorial Government Service Industries

822 - Protective Services

Establishments of provincial and territorial governments primarily engaged in providing services to ensure the security of persons and property. Protection includes measures to protect against negligence, exploitation and abuse.

823 - Labour and Employment Services

825 - General Administrative Services

Establishments of provincial and territorial governments primarily engaged in supporting government activities generally or those establishments engaged in activities overlapping a number of government functions.

826 - Human Resource Administration

Establishments of provincial and territorial governments primarily engaged in the administration of programs oriented towards personal well-being.

827 - Economic Services Administration

Establishments of provincial and territorial governments primarily engaged in the administration of programs designed to promote economic well-being and relating to transportation, communication, resource conservation, industrial development, the environment, housing, regional planning and development and research.

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