North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada 2017 Version 1.0


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78112 - Employment services

This class comprises permanent placement; contract staffing; temporary staffing; temporary staffing to permanent placement; long-term staffing (payrolling) and co-employment services; onsite management of temporary help; online job listing services; executive/retained search; and other employment services.

781121 - Permanent placement

This subclass comprises recruiting and referring candidates for permanent (indeterminate) positions for a client, who pays a fee upon successful placement of the employee. The candidate is selected and hired by the client.

781122 - Contract staffing

This subclass comprises finding people to fill positions as independent (self-employed) contractors.

781123 - Temporary staffing

This subclass comprises supplying personnel for temporary work assignments to clients for the purpose of supporting or supplementing the client's workforce in work situations such as employee absences, temporary skill shortages, seasonal workloads, and special assignments and projects. The personnel are employees of the staffing agency but when working are supervised by the client.

781124 - Temporary staffing to permanent placement

This subclass comprises supplying personnel for temporary employment with the expectation of permanent work at the end of a trial period with the client. The employee remains on the payroll of the temporary help staffing firm until the hiring decision is made, at which time he or she becomes an employee of the client or, if not, returns to the temporary help staffing firm.

781125 - Long-term staffing (payrolling) and co-employment services

This subclass comprises supplying personnel for extended work assignments. Under the terms of this arrangement, the client may recruit the person or persons hired by the staffing firm and assigned to the client's place of work, or transfer a portion of the client's existing workforce to the staffing firm. Long-term employees are placed on the payroll of the staffing firm, which is legally responsible for their actions, but when working they are supervised by the client. This service also covers a staffing arrangement in which an organization (i.e., a professional employer organization (PEO)) co-employs a client's workforce. The PEO and the client enter into a contractual agreement whereby the rights and responsibilities in respect of co-employees are shared or allocated, with the service provider assuming responsibility for certain activities as agreed with the client. The services range from basic to full-service packages.

781126 - Onsite management of temporary help

This subclass comprises supplying personnel who, in the work area of the client, assign, co-ordinate, and monitor employees provided by the temporary help staffing firm. This service ensures a single point of contact for the client. Activities include recruitment, testing, selection, training, reporting, and quality monitoring. Assignment of an onsite manager requires a request from the client.

781127 - Online job listing services

This subclass comprises soliciting and posting job openings to a website which may be known as a job board, job bank, recruiting site, directory, labour exchange or employment registry. Organizations that post job listings to these sites are usually charged a fee, whereas job seekers usually have free access.

781128 - Executive/retained search

This subclass comprises recruiting and referring candidates for permanent senior-level positions for a client, who pays a fee that is not contingent upon a successful hiring. The candidate is selected and hired by the client.

781129 - Other employment services

This subclass comprises other employment services.

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