North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada 2022 Version 1.0


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71241 - Full advertising campaigns, advertising creative and public relations services

This class comprises full-service advertising campaigns; advertising creative services; public relations services; and advertising services n.e.c.

712411 - Full service advertising campaigns

This subclass comprises all services required to create a comprehensive advertising campaign and place the resulting advertisements in media. Services include a bundle of advertising services with some or all creative and productive services for advertisements; and planning, buying of time and space and research media services. Generally, the advertising campaign service bundle is sold as a package and provides financial gain for the client.

712412 - Advertising creative services

This subclass comprises designing an advertisement.

712413 - Public relations services

This subclass comprises the development and implementation of methods to influence the image of clients with the general public or with specific interest groups.

712414 - Advertising services, n.e.c.

This subclass comprises other services related to advertising, n.e.c.

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