North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2007 - Service Industries

7111 - Performing Arts Companies

This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in producing live presentations that involve the performances of actors and actresses, singers, dancers, musical groups and artists, and other performing artists. Examples of establishments in this industry group are theatre companies, dance companies, musical groups and artists, circuses and ice-skating shows.

  • Exclusion(s):

    • establishments primarily engaged in organizing and promoting, but not producing, such presentations, whether or not they operate their own facilities (See 7113 Promoters (Presenters) of Performing Arts, Sports and Similar Events)
    • independent performing artists (See 711512 Independent Actors, Comedians and Performers)

71111 - Theatre Companies and Dinner Theatres

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in producing live presentations that involve the performances of actors and actresses, opera singers and other vocalists. Included are theatre companies that operate their own facilities, primarily for the staging of their own productions, as well as establishments, known as dinner theatres, engaged in producing live theatrical entertainment and in providing food and beverages for consumption on the premises. Examples of establishments in this industry are theatre companies, opera companies, musical theatre companies, community theatres, multidisciplinary theatres, puppet theatres, mime theatres and comedy troupes.

  • Exclusion(s):

    • free lance musicians and vocalists (See 71113 Musical Groups and Artists)
    • free lance producers and performing artists (See 711512 Independent Actors, Comedians and Performers)
  • and

    establishments primarily engaged in:

    • organizing and promoting, but not producing, performing arts productions (See 7113 Promoters (Presenters) of Performing Arts, Sports and Similar Events)
    • providing food and beverages for consumption on the premises and that also present live entertainment, such as comedy clubs (except dinner theatres) (See 722 Food Services and Drinking Places)

71112 - Dance Companies

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in producing live presentations that involve the performances of dancers. Dance companies that operate their own facilities, primarily for the staging of their own production, are included.

  • Exclusion(s):

    • free-lance producers and dancers (See 711512 Independent Actors, Comedians and Performers)
  • and

    establishments primarily engaged in:

    • organizing and promoting, but not producing, dance productions (See 7113 Promoters (Presenters) of Performing Arts, Sports and Similar Events)
    • providing food and beverages for consumption on the premises and that also present live dance entertainment, such as exotic dance clubs (See 722 Food Services and Drinking Places)

71113 - Musical Groups and Artists

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in producing live presentations that involve the performances of musicians and/or vocalists. Establishments in this industry may consist of groups or individual artists. Examples of establishments in this industry are chamber and symphony orchestras, country music groups, jazz music groups, and pop and rock music groups, as well as independent musicians and vocalists.

  • Exclusion(s):

    • agents and managers for musical groups and artists (See 71141 Agents and Managers for Artists, Athletes, Entertainers and Other Public Figures)
    • free lance producers (See 711512 Independent Actors, Comedians and Performers)
  • and

    establishments primarily engaged in:

    • producing theatrical, musical and opera productions (See 71111 Theatre Companies and Dinner Theatres)
    • organizing and promoting, but not producing, concerts and other musical performances (See 7113 Promoters (Presenters) of Performing Arts, Sports and Similar Events)
    • providing food and beverages for consumption on the premises and also presenting live musical entertainment, such as night clubs (See 722 Food Services and Drinking Places)

71119 - Other Performing Arts Companies

This industry comprises establishments, not classified to any other industry, primarily engaged in producing live performing arts presentations.

  • Exclusion(s):

    • musical groups and independent musicians and vocalists (See 71113 Musical Groups and Artists)
    • freelance producers and independent performing artists (See 711512 Independent Actors, Comedians and Performers)
  • and

    establishments primarily engaged in:

    • producing musicals, plays, operas, and puppet and mime shows (See 71111 Theatre Companies and Dinner Theatres)
    • producing dance performances (See 71112 Dance Companies)
    • organizing and promoting, but not producing, ice shows, circuses and other live performing arts presentations (See 7113 Promoters (Presenters) of Performing Arts, Sports and Similar Events)
    • providing food and beverages for consumption on the premises and also presenting live entertainment, such as comedy clubs (See 722 Food Services and Drinking Places)
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