North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada [Provisional Version 0.1]

562001.8.3 - Environmental emergency response services

Development and/or implementation of rapid response plans and activities to deal with various types of environmental emergencies (e.g., fuel and chemical spills and incidents involving dangerous goods and hazardous materials).

North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada [Provisional Version 0.1] - Classification structure
Code Title
562001.8.3.1Environmental emergency response planning services Environmental emergency response planning services
562001.8.3.2Environmental emergency response services, petroleum and oil-based spills Environmental emergency response services, petroleum and oil-based spills
562001.8.3.3Environmental emergency response services, mine spills Environmental emergency response services, mine spills
562001.8.3.4Environmental emergency response services, n.e.c. Environmental emergency response services, n.e.c.
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