Variant of NAICS 2002 - Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Sector

56149 - Other Business Support Services

This industry comprises establishments, not classified to any other industry, primarily engaged in providing other business support services.

  • Exclusion(s):

    Establishments primarily engaged in:

    • writing, editing and document preparation services (See 56141 Document Preparation Services)
    • telephone answering or telemarketing services (See 56142 Telephone Call Centres)
    • providing photocopying and mailbox services (See 56143 Business Service Centres)
    • providing collection services (See 56144 Collection Agencies)
    • providing credit reporting services (See 56145 Credit Bureaus)

561490 - Other Business Support ServicesMEX

This Canadian industry comprises establishments, not classified to any other industry, primarily engaged in providing other business support services.

  • Example Activities:

    • Address bar coding services
    • Automobile repossession services
    • Closed captioning services, real-time (i.e., simultaneous)
    • Court reporting services
    • Fundraising service, on a contract or fee basis, for charitable organizations
    • Presorting mail services
    • Public stenography services
    • Real time closed captioning (i.e., simultaneous)
    • Repossession services
    • Stenography services, public
    • Stenotype reporting services
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