North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada 2017 Version 1.0

56111 - Office administrative services

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in administering, directing or coordinating a range of day-to-day business operations, such as financing, billing and record keeping; personnel; physical distribution; and providing other administrative and managerial services. These establishments do not provide the operating staff to carry out the complete operations of a client's business.

561110 - Office administrative services

This Canadian industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in administering, directing or coordinating a range of day-to-day business operations, such as financing, billing and record keeping; personnel; physical distribution; and providing other administrative and managerial services. These establishments do not provide the operating staff to carry out the complete operations of a client's business.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • administrative management services
    • business management services
    • management service, with no operating staff furnished (except complete operations of client business)
    • managing doctors' offices

    All examples

  • Exclusion(s)

    • holding the securities of other businesses, for the purpose of exercising control (See 551113 Holding companies)
    • providing both management and operating staff, on contract, for the complete operation of a client's establishment, such as a hotel, restaurant or hospital (classified according to the primary activity of the establishment operated)
    • providing computer facilities management services (See 541514 Computer systems design and related services (except video game design and development))
    • providing construction management services is classified by the type of project managed (See 23 Construction)
    • providing farm management services (See 11 Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting)
    • providing general management and/or administrative support services to affiliated establishments (See 551114 Head offices)
    • providing management advice (See 54161 Management consulting services)
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