North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada 2017 Version 1.0


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551192 - Other paper products, and disposable plastic products, at wholesale

This subclass comprises wholesaling services for printing paper, including newsprint; paper and paperboard packaging products; disposable paper and plastic products; and household paper supplies, including aluminum foil and plastic bags.

5511921 - Printing paper (including newsprint) at wholesale

Wholesaling services for printing paper, including newsprint.

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  • Inclusion(s)

    • print media advertising at wholesale

5511922 - Paper and paperboard packaging products, at wholesale

Wholesaling services for paper and paperboard packaging products.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • boxboard at wholesale
    • cardboard at wholesale
    • corrugated board at wholesale
    • corrugated paper at wholesale
    • gift wrap paper at wholesale
    • paper containers for commercial use at wholesale
    • paper containing wood (except printing paper) at wholesale
    • woodfree paper (except printing paper) at wholesale

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5511923 - Disposable paper and plastic products (including aluminum foil), at wholesale

Wholesaling services for disposable paper and plastic products, including aluminum foil.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • disposable cartons at wholesale
    • disposable paper bags at wholesale
    • disposable paper boxes at wholesale
    • disposable paper cups at wholesale
    • disposable plastic bags at wholesale
    • disposable plastic cups at wholesale
    • disposable plastic dishes at wholesale
    • disposable plastic plates at wholesale
    • paper napkins at wholesale
    • paper towel at wholesale
    • plastic wrap at wholesale

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  • Inclusion(s)

    • aluminum foil at wholesale
    • disposable wax paper at wholesale
    • household backed aluminum foil at wholesale

5511924 - Household paper supplies (including plastic bags) at wholesale

Wholesaling services for household paper supplies, including plastic bags.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • facial tissue at wholesale
    • toilet paper at wholesale

    All examples

  • Inclusion(s)

    • plastic bags at wholesale
  • Exclusion(s)

    • aluminum foil at wholesale (See 5511923 Disposable paper and plastic products (including aluminum foil), at wholesale)
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