North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada [Provisional Version 0.1]

541032.1 - Engineering services

The application of physical laws and principles in the design, development, and utilization of machines, materials, instruments, structures, processes, and systems. The services included in this group include the provision of designs, plans, and studies related to engineering projects. Includes engineering design services for a design-build project that are provided on a subcontract basis.

541032.1.1 - Residential building engineering projects

All engineering services related to new and existing homes, row housing, apartments, etc., and mixed-use buildings that are predominantly used for residential housing. The services included in this group include the provision of designs, plans, and studies related to residential building projects. Includes engineering design services for a residential building design-build project that are provided on a subcontract basis.

541032.1.2 - Commercial, public and institutional building engineering projects

All engineering services related to new and existing commercial, public, and institutional buildings, including mixed-use buildings that are predominantly used for commercial, public, or institutional purposes. Examples include office buildings, shopping centres, hotels, restaurants, service stations, warehouses, bus and truck terminals, hospitals, schools, churches, prisons, stadiums and arenas, libraries, and museums. The services included in this group include the provision of designs, plans, and studies related to commercial, public, and institutional building projects. Includes engineering design services for a commercial, public, or institutional building design-build project that are provided on a subcontract basis.

541032.1.3 - Industrial and manufacturing engineering projects

All engineering services related to industrial and manufacturing facilities, processes, and products. The services included in this group include the provision of designs, plans, and studies related to industrial and manufacturing projects. Includes engineering design services for an industrial or manufacturing design-build project that are provided on a subcontract basis.

541032.1.4 - Transportation engineering projects

All engineering services related to highways, roads, streets, bridges, tunnels, railways, subways, airports, harbours, canals and locks, and other transportation infrastructure. The services included in this group include the provision of designs, plans, and studies related to transportation projects. Includes engineering design services for a transportation design-build project that are provided on a subcontract basis.

541032.1.5 - Municipal utility engineering projects

All engineering services related to municipal utilities. The services included in this group include the provision of designs, plans, and studies related to municipal utility projects. Includes engineering design services for a municipal utility design-build project that are provided on a subcontract basis.

541032.1.6 - Power engineering projects

All engineering services related to power generating units, power transmission and distribution lines, and related infrastructure. The services included in this group include the provision of designs, plans, and studies related to power projects. Includes engineering design services for a power design-build project that are provided on a subcontract basis.

541032.1.7 - Telecommunications and broadcasting engineering projects

All engineering services related to systems for the transmission or distribution of voice, data, and programming. The services included in this group include the provision of designs, plans, and studies related to telecommunications and broadcasting projects. Includes engineering design services for a telecommunications or broadcasting design-build project that are provided on a subcontract basis.

541032.1.8 - Hazardous and industrial waste engineering projects

All engineering services related to systems for the collection, treatment, and disposal of hazardous and industrial waste and the control of pollution. The services included in this group include the provision of designs, plans, and studies related to hazardous and industrial waste projects. Includes engineering design services for a hazardous or industrial waste design-build project that are provided on a subcontract basis.

541032.1.9 - Other engineering projects

All engineering services related to systems, processes, facilities, or products not elsewhere classified. The services included in this group include the provision of designs, plans, and studies related to other engineering projects. Includes engineering design services for a design-build project not elsewhere classified that are provided on a subcontract basis.

541032.1.10 - Engineering advisory services

The provision of advice, studies, and reports on engineering matters. Services classified under this group include policy analysis, regulatory studies, audits, forensic investigations, and expert witness services.

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