North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada [Provisional Version 0.1]

531012 - Non-residential rents

531012.1 - Rental of land for non-residential use

Rental or leasing of land for non-residential uses. Property with buildings or other structures is treated as land if the value of the land is greater than the value of the structures. Includes rents paid for the right to exploit inland surface waters for recreational or other purposes, including fishing.

531012.2 - Rental of non-residential space in buildings or other facilities

Rental or leasing of buildings, or space within buildings or other facilities, for non-residential uses such as office space, industrial space, retail stores, or food service. Includes rental of sites on a "concession" basis for such purposes as selling merchandise or meals at entertainment and sports venues. Includes short-term rental of space for meetings, conventions, weddings, parties, and similar events. Includes rental of self-storage space. Includes rental of engineering works and structures.

531012.3 - Hosting of coin-operated gambling machines

Providing a location for the placement of coin-operated gambling machines such as slot machines and video lottery terminals, for a fee or commission paid by the owners or lessors of the machines.

531012.4 - Hosting of vending machines, video games, and other non-gambling coin-operated machines

Providing a location for the placement of coin-operated machines, for a fee or commission paid by the owners or lessors of the machines. Payment may be made using coins, bills, tokens, cards or other means. Some examples of coin-operated machines are vending machines, video games, children's mechanical rides, and automated banking machines.

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