North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada [Provisional Version 0.1]

522001.1 - Account and cash management products

Money management services, provided to customers by means of deposit accounts, such as chequing, saving and time accounts, and specialized cash management services that enable businesses to handle cash, transfer monies, and in general make and receive payments.

522001.1.1 - Deposit account-related products

Services related to general-purpose deposit accounts, both demand and time. These services allow accounts to be created or closed, and used to make deposits, withdrawals, transfers, etc. These services may be sold individually or as a package of services.

522001.1.2 - Cash handling and management products

Services that provide specialized deposit account and cash management services to business and government.

522001.1.3 - Document payment products

Services that provide documents that can be used as payment instruments, such as money orders, traveller's cheques and letters of credit. Includes services of certifying cheques.

522001.1.4 - Foreign currency exchange products, retail

Exchanging the currency of one country for that of another, in small amounts for the convenience of travellers.

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