Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Canada 2016


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51.27 - Medical illustration and informatics

This subseries comprises instructional program classes 51.2703 to 51.2799.

51.2703 - Medical illustration/medical illustrator

This instructional program class comprises any program that prepares individuals to apply the principles and techniques of art and computer-assisted imaging, graphics, and animation to create visual materials to facilitate the recording and dissemination of biomedical knowledge for educational, research, and clinical purposes. These programs include courses in anatomy, physiology, pathology, histology, embryology, neuroanatomy, medical terminology, artistic media and techniques, illustration techniques, three-dimensional modelling, prosthetics, data display design, exhibit design and production, medical photography, multimedia, computer graphics and animation, digital imaging, business management, production technology, and instructional design.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • biomedical animation
    • biomedical communications
    • medical illustration
    • medical illustrator

    All examples

  • Exclusion(s)

    • digital animation(10.0304)
    • illustration(50.0410)
    • instructional media(13.0501)
    • medical informatics(51.2706)
    • X-ray technician(51.0911)

51.2706 - Medical informatics

This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the application of computer science and software engineering to medical research and clinical information technology support, and the development of advanced imaging, database, and decision systems. These programs include courses in computer science, health information systems architecture, medical knowledge structures, medical language and image processing, quantitative medical decision modelling, imaging techniques, electronic medical records, medical research systems, clinical decision support, and informatics aspects of specific research and practice problems.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • biomedical informatics
    • health informatics
    • medical informatics

    All examples

  • Exclusion(s)

    • bioinformatics(26.1103)
    • biomedical animation(51.2703)
    • computational biology(26.1104)

51.2799 - Medical illustration and informatics, other

This instructional program class comprises any program not listed above that relates to Medical illustration and informatics.

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